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Contribute to UU Women and Religion

Contribute to UU Women and Religion

UUWR Celebrates Giving Tuesday

Dear , ‍GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and their world. GivingTuesday will kick off the generosity season this year by inspiring people to give back on November 28, 2023, and throughout the year.


We can receive a matching grant up to $500. Double your impact by making a donation to UUW&R on Giving Tuesday.


What does your donation fund? UUW&R is the ONLY source for our foundational UU women's spirituality curricula like Cakes for the Queen of Heaven and Rise Up and Call Her Name.

We have exclusive rights to much of the music in the Store and republication permission for more classic UU feminist works.

Our goal is to begin building infrastructure to support the bookstore and the painstaking work of restoring and re-publishing these classics and offering them at an affordable price and in new digital formats.

The UUWR bookstore is our main source of funds. When the bookstore travels to events, the expenses are borne by our volunteers. This isn't a sustainable model, so we're asking for help.

Countless hours also go into maintaining and presenting online archives and resources. UUW&R has been entrusted with herstorical documents from many of the district chapters that no longer exist. These are an essential part of the herstory of the feminist movement within UUism. It is OUR herstory.


Offering the Bookstore at UU women's retreats and other events helps us network and keep connections among our organizations alive.


UUWR could do so much more if we were well-funded. Will you consider giving this year on Giving Tuesday? Thank you!


We welcome all those who identify as women, expansively defined as anyone who feels comfortable in woman-focused

Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion

A UUA Related Organization
c/o Co-Convener Gretchen Ohmann
P.O. Box 1021
Benton Harbor, MI 49023-1021

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