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The-Red-Notebook-CoverLucile Longview was the initiator and primary author of the ground-breaking 1977 Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion Resolution and a crusader for women’s human rights and equality in the family and community. She was a radical visionary in the traditional meaning of the word – addressing the root causes of sexism. The role that patriarchal religion has played in the oppression of women is something that Lucile was deeply committed to exposing.

During the last years of her life, she assembled into The Red Notebook what she felt were the best and most herstorically relevant of what she wrote from 1980 to 2000. These writings and presentations were delivered at meetings of Unitarian Universalists and at Harvard's Theological Opportunity Program and appeared in a variety of publications.

Liz Fisher, a friend, colleague, curriculum author, essayist and sister activist in the Women and Religion movement has curated this website (sponsored by UUWR). Liz has posted facsimiles of the original documents embellished with her own notes suppling context, background, observations and interpretations. From the Introduction on the website, Liz comments: “I knew Lucile from the 1980s to the end of her life and frequently discussed with Lucile the personal and political impact of the Women and Religion Movement, both within the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and in the larger society. Lucile's daughter, Linda Schuck, gave me a copy of THE RED NOTEBOOK hoping it would be shared with others since the material is still very timely. I am honored to be doing just that.”

This is a precious gift from one of our great foremothers. To continue this work is the best form of gratitude we can offer to her.

Lucile, ¡Presente!

Lucile Longview was also active in the UU Women's Federation throughout its herstory, contributing to publications both in editorial and author roles. She was on the Board and kept in close contact with the Leadership throughout her life. She donated generously. In 1997 she received from the UUWF the Ministry to Women Award as the initiator of the 1977 UU W&R Resolution. She was also acknowledged before the General Assembly in 1998 for her leadership in the Women and Religion movement. The members of the UUWF, both those who knew her and those who joined after she was active, will be interested in reading The Red Notebook.

The situations and issues Lucile confronts in her lively and entertaining pieces still ring true today. The wisdom she shares about the necessity for a New Consciousness will inspire all who are interested in assuring women’s full human rights, self-worth and dignity.


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