Continental Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion (UUWR) is a network of UU women's organizations and individuals, dedicated to freeing ourselves, others, and the Earth from traditional, historical, and contemporary oppressive and patriarchal systems.‍
Thursday, 20 July 2023 ‍
Welcome to the circle, ‍ ‍!
We're excited to launch this first issue of our re-booted newsletter. You'll find current news, events, and resources by and for UU women's spirituality, and of course MORE!
Today we send you this sample issue in hopes you'll remain a subscriber. We welcome your ideas and feedback.
Click here to onfirm your subscription ‍
SWUUWCon 2023: Phoenix Rising‍ |
March 3-5, 2023 in Dallas, Texas
The Women’s Alliance of Dallas issued a statement after the Supreme Court’s decision on Women’s Reproductive Rights. The statement cites abortion as a human right and sees it as a religious freedom issue. The statement contends that women need access to legal and safe means to terminate pregnancies. Abortion access is a matter of equal rights which impacts women’s education, healthcare, and economic success. Without access, the privacy of the individual is imperiled and causes a negative impact on society as a whole.
“I look at fear not as cowardice, but as a call forward, a summons to fight for what we hold dear,” Amanda Gorman, National Youth Poet Laureate.
Upcoming Events‍ |
Featured Artist: Melinda Morris Perrin‍ |
Poem from the new collection called Sojourner on the Way: Poetry of Melinda Morris Perrin. (Release date Fall 2023)
My Mother’s Voice
As I prepare to leave the house I hear my Mother loud and clear. She sweetly asks, “You’re not wearing that are you?”  When apparently I am. I stop a moment, grab my keys and leave, “It’ll be OK.” “You’re never home,” scolds she who never was. The daughter-within reacts as I ever did, I roll my eyes, smile a little and say, “I love you too, Mom.” Isn’t that what she said?‍
Goddess Gatherings
 By Melinda Morris Perrin. Thirteen sessions for a year of study in a circle of friends.
Melinda Morris Perrin is a leader of Prairyerth, an Earth-centered Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and Earth Circles at UUSS. She is a Plant Spirit Medicine practitioner and a teacher with the Seneca Indian Historical Society and Wolf Clan Teaching Lodge. She was a presenter at the 1999 Parliament of the Worlds Religions in Cape Town South Africa. Some of her books include: Goldenrods; Prairie Smoke; Winterberries and A New Day Dawns.
For more information or permissions, contact: melindaperrin [at] msn.com
To obtain a copy of Priscilla Herdman's CD, "Into the Stars," go to www.priscillaherdman.com
2021 - now published by and all proceeds going to UUWR. Thanks, Melinda for your generous donations.
Quantity discounts: 6-11 $13 each / 12-17 $12 each / 18+ $11 each. Discount will apply at checkout.
UUWR Traveling Bookstore‍ |
UUWR Traveling Bookstore is on the road again in several Midwest locations in 2023, plus General Assembly in Pittsburgh, PA, where we hope to feature the author of a brand-new Tarot deck!
Would you like to host our UU women's spirituality bookstore at your MidWest congregation? Stay tuned for how you can invite us to bring the Store for an event or Sunday service.
A note about what you buy from UUW&R: Some creators have donated their works to the organization. Others still receive royalties based on sales. So, buying anything from the UUW&R Store supports both UUWR's ability to keep these resources available, and supports the creators!
UUWR Historical Documents
Thanks to the efforts of our Continental UUW&R core group, district W&R groups who contributed materials, and Meadville-Lombard Theological School, UUW&R historical documents are now digitized and available to read online!
District W&R Task Force newsletters are available, as well as Central MidWest District W&R's creative journal, Sophia.
As part of Meadville-Lombard's Heresies Special Collection, the physical documents are available in their library in Chicago.
Do you have W&R materials stashed away somewhere? UUW&R would love to have them. Contact Gretchen to make arrangements.
Resources‍ |
Help Bring The Red Tent to GA‍ |
When possible, we try to bring to the General Assembly Exhibit Hall a small sample of what it's like to be in a circle of women. A Red Tent is only one way UU women gather, but it's a potent symbol of women's community.‍ When you donate to our General Assembly fund, you're helping UUWR create sacred space and bringing inspiring UU women speakers to the event.
We open the circle...‍ |
Poem from the new collection called Sojourner on the Way: Poetry of Melinda Morris Perrin. (Release date Fall 2023)
Follow Your Star
As we part, remember
So your life might be a beacon to others: Follow your star Follow your heart Follow your dreams Follow your vision Follow your truth.
Follow in the footsteps of those who dare: Dare to challenge. Dare to find a new way. Dare to be different. Dare to lead.
And look at the legions behind you.‍
We welcome all those who identify as women, expansively defined as anyone who feels that they belong in this space, including those who are nonbinary or agender. ‍
Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion A UUA Related Organization c/o Co-Convener Gretchen Ohmann P.O. Box 1021 Benton Harbor, MI 49023-1021 info@uuwr.org