Continental Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion (UUWR) is a network of UU women's organizations and individuals, dedicated to freeing ourselves, others, and the Earth from traditional, historical, and contemporary oppressive and patriarchal systems.‍
‍20 July 2023 ‍
Blessed Spring Equinox, ‍ ‍!
Womenspirit Spring 2023 at The Mountain
Mayan Wisdom for Birthing the New Dawn Institute and Gathering May 17-21
The Mayan elders say it is time for ancient indigenous wisdom to be shared with the world to help birth the New Era, a new Great Cycle that is a balance of Divine female and male energies. They say we must be the “midwives” who will help with this Awakening.
We will walk together what the Maya call the Sacred Road, The Sac Be, by learning about and honoring the days KAWOQ, AJPU, IMOX, IQ, and AQ’AB’AL. KAWOQ is the midwife that births AJPU, the Spiritual Warrior within us, and through our dreams and ideas (IMOX) we align our voices (IQ)to bring in AQ’AB’AL, the Dawn of New Consciousness. Each worship service will honor these days in sequence, through invocation, prayer, song, dance and inner journeying.
We have a variety of tracks and workshops. Activities such as silent auction, healing circle, chapel, and tea and talk. We will also have the favorites that include cabaret, drumming and dancing, and sacred circle dancing.
Registration is open now!
Upcoming Events‍ |
 Oops. We should have mentioned last issue that this is the Pacific Central District Women and Religion group!
Featured Artist: Elizabeth Fisher
A passionate advocate of sacred culture that honors earth-based spiritualities using images, dance, visualization, song, storytelling, poetry and improvisation, study and reflection. All of these [Liz had] experienced as potent means of exploring pre-patriarchal cosmology, a modern version of an ancient worldview that, while continuing to be present throughout history, has often been overshadowed.‍
Liz Fisher passed away September 25, 2020. Read More about Liz...
Thealogical Musings by Liz Fisher
Thealogy is a term coined by religious scholar Naomi Goldenberg from thea, the Greek word for goddess. Since these articles deal with religious traditions and philosophical outlooks that include female deities, often focusing on them, this category’s title, Thealogical Musings, uses the feminine root. (In Greek, theos is the word for a masculine god and from that root comes theology, meaning “the study of the nature of God, and of man’s relationship to God.”)
Read More of this Blog...
Rise Up and Call Her Name curriculum‍ |
A Woman-honoring Journey into Global Earth-based Spiritualities by Elizabeth Fisher
Originally published by the UUWF in 1995, this multicultural and multimedia course has been experienced by thousands around the world. Many have been profoundly moved by its exciting exploration of sacred narratives that honor the cross cultural female divine, as well as the many diverse and creative activities included. RiseUp website has many more resources! Regularly priced at $80, kit contains:‍ |
- Printed Leader's Guide to 13 individual sessions. Spiral bound.
- Two hour DVD (or digital files) of woman-honoring sacred art, both ancient and contemporary.‍
- Music CD or digital files of chants, songs and stories
- 385-page Sourcebook in PDF format to share with participants
Donate |
A note about what you buy from UUW&R: Some creators have donated their works to the organization. Others still receive royalties based on sales. So, buying anything from the UUW&R Store supports both UUWR's ability to keep these resources available, and supports the creators! |
We're making preparations now for this summer's General Assembly! UUW&R will have an exhibit booth featuring Red Tent decor (though we won't have the actual Tent, so we can practice social distancing).
Our featured UU artworks this year are:
- Bold goddess and chalice jewelry by Nan Rogers/Studio Aurora
- Handmade soaps and custom drinkware by Paulette J/Bougainvillea Bloom
- Hand made ceramic chalices by Kimberlee Carlson/Kimberlee Clay
- Healing stone bracelets and earrings by Lisa Larsen/Venus Rising
- New editions of books by Meg Bowman/Hot Flash Press
- More digital downloadable products!
- Guest appearances/programs by some of our artists.
We will hold another raffle to give away 6 more gift bags!
Help Bring The Red Tent to GA‍ |
When possible, we try to bring to the General Assembly Exhibit Hall a small sample of what it's like to be in a circle of women. A Red Tent is only one way UU women gather, but it's a potent symbol of women's community.‍ When you donate to our General Assembly fund, you're helping UUWR create sacred space and bringing inspiring UU women speakers to the event.
You can contribute‍ to our website
Spring cleaning! Lately we've been updating and organizing our Archives website section. There's a new section for Congregational UU women's groups. Share your stories with us!
And there is a new section on Rituals to share. We especially lift up a brand new Ancestors Ritual by Rev. Beth Dana.
We open the circle...‍ |
Excerpt from SageWoman March 2004 by Liz Fisher
Listening to Our Guiding Voice
Another characteristic of my journey is the ever-Present internal guiding voice. This voice resists conscious direction and does not try to be in charge. Perhaps this is the voice of personal destiny. But can developing my individuality still be important when pressures to conform are ever-Present? Even though this concept of destiny sounds too ancient to successfully contend with the dehumanizing forces of this post-modern age, this voice tells me my individual life does matter.
Over the centuries, I know that the Goddess has repeatedly risen up in the consciousness of people who have heard Her call, especially when Her existence, as it is today, is officially denied. As then, it is now; She calls, I respond. I call, she responds. We talk. She tells me there is work assigned especially to me, and no one else. She reminds me that I will discover it when the time is right.
We welcome all those who identify as women, expansively defined as anyone who feels that they belong in this space, including those who are nonbinary or agender. ‍
Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion A UUA Related Organization c/o Co-Convener Gretchen Ohmann P.O. Box 1021 Benton Harbor, MI 49023-1021 info@uuwr.org