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2023 Beltane women's spirituality news and resources

2023 Beltane women's spirituality news and resources


Continental Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion (UUWR) is a network of UU women's organizations and individuals, dedicated to freeing ourselves, others, and the Earth from traditional, historical, and contemporary oppressive and patriarchal systems.‍

‍19 July 2023 ‍


Blessed Beltane, ‍ ‍!


Connection Spring 2023 in Illinois

‍Keynote speaker is Martha Kirby Capo!

Martha Kirby Capo is a Solitary Witch currently working with Brigid, Hekate, Pan, and Cernunnos. She is the page manager of Patheos Pagan’s shared blog The Agora, where she writes as The Corner Crone. Her Moments for Meditation can be heard on KPPR Pure Pagan Radio.


Martha has been active in several Unitarian Universalist congregations for 35+ years, including First Jefferson (Ft. Worth TX), Bay Area (Clear Lake TX), Peoples (Cedar Rapids IA), and DuPage (Naperville IL).

‍UU Women's Connection Spring Retreat will be at Pilgrim Park near Princeton IL again this year, the weekend of June 2-4.


She is currently a member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami, where she has established a monthly Drum Circle and serves as a resource for members seeking to learn more about paganism. Martha has served on the CUUPS Board and was a co-founder DuPage UU’s Earth-centered spirituality group. With members of that group, she led the Opening Ritual of Greater Chicagoland Pagan Pride 2017.


Martha has been extensively anthologized through Skinner House books, Flying Cow Productions, and various Llewellyn Publications. An online collection of her work is included in the UUA’s Worship Web Library, which provides resources for worship services and personal spiritual practice. An award-winning poet and lyricist, she has written for several online and print magazines, including The Wild Hunt and Witchology.

‍Martha has been a presenter at Florida Pagan Gathering, Turning the Tide, and Mystic South. She is a member of Circle Sanctuary and Everglades Moon, a Local Council representing the Covenant of the Goddess in Florida.


Martha’s first book, Thrifty Witchery, co-authored with Vincent Higginbotham, is available in the UUW&R Bookstore.

Upcoming Events‍

Dancing at the CMwD W&R Summer Retreat, August 1997
Dancing at the CMwD W&R Summer Retreat, August 1997
UU Womenspirit Spring - 17 May 2023 at the Mountain in NC
Eliot Women's Weekend - 19 May 2023 near St Louis, MO
UU Women's Connection Spring - 02 Jun 2023 near Princeton, IL
UU General Assembly - 21 Jun 2023 - in Pittsburgh, PA
UU Women's Connection Summer - 11 Aug 2023 in SW Michigan
UU Womenspirit Fall - 04 Oct 2023 at the Mountain in NC
UU Women's Connection Fall - 13 Oct 2023 in Racine, WI

View Full Calendar

Featured Ritual:


Molly Remer, MSW, D.Min, is a priestess, teacher, and poet facilitating sacred circles, seasonal rituals, and family ceremonies in central Missouri. Molly and her husband Mark co-create Story Goddesses at Brigid’s Grove. Molly is the author of nine books, including Walking with Persephone, Whole and Holy, Womanrunes, and the Goddess Devotional. She is the creator of the devotional experience #30DaysofGoddess and she loves savoring small magic and everyday enchantment. 


Molly shares her thoughts on the Rites of May at the Feminism and Religion blog. "It is important that we share these rituals of celebration and affirmation with our sons as well as our daughters. Men, too, should know the power of joined hands in a circle, voices lifted in song, and sweet words of connection surrounding one another on a bright spring day…" Read More...


UUW&R will have some of Molly's creations at our General Assembly booth!

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum‍


The classic women's circle study course!
by Rev. Shirley Ann Ranck, PhD

IN ANCIENT TIMES: This five-session Volume I of the popular adult religious education curriculum includes an introductory section featuring author Shirley's Ranck's "Statement of Feminist Thealogy," Elinor Artman's "Brief Herstory of Cakes," and Nancy Vedder-Shults, "Baking Cakes for the Queen of Heaven."


ON THE THRESHOLD: In the six-session continuation of the course, Volume II, we will continue our journey into the past to reclaim the stories of powerful women to be found in ancient Judaism and in early Christianity. We will also look at the global silencing and brutalization of women that accompanied the rise of patriarchal religion and society.


The resources (not the Facilitators Guides) from both volumes are now available to download! Log-in information is included in the package when you buy the curriculum. If you have already purchased the set and would like access to the files, please email

  • 2 volumes Printed Leader's Guide to 11 sessions. Spiral bound.
  • Digital files of handouts and slideshows

Remember to join the Cakes Facilitators' Facebook group!‍


A note about what you buy from UUW&R: Some creators have donated their works to the organization. Others still receive royalties based on sales. So, buying anything from the UUW&R Store supports both UUWR's ability to keep these resources available, and supports the creators!

You can contribute‍ to our herstory

We did some Spring cleaning! We had a request to make more of our Archives available and get them better organized. Here's some of what you'll find:


District and Regional



Harvard Divinity School UUW&R Archives

Meadville-Lombard HEResies Special Collection


Have you written your women's group herstory? There's lots of room in our Congregational section for UUW&R to publish yours or include links.

We open the circle...‍

Excerpt from 30 Days of Goddess by Molly Remer

We welcome all those who identify as women, expansively defined as anyone who feels that they belong in this space, including those who are nonbinary or agender.

Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion

A UUA Related Organization
c/o Co-Convener Gretchen Ohmann
P.O. Box 1021
Benton Harbor, MI 49023-1021


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