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Worship Resources
(download packet as pdf

An Extraordinary Celebration for an Extraordinary Woman    

January 2010 

Dear Congregational Leaders,

What a remarkable opportunity the 200th anniversary of the birth of Margaret Fuller affords us to celebrate her life, work and legacy.  To ensure a fitting celebration of this extraordinary woman, a group of Unitarian Universalist ministers and lay people, scholars, and representatives from historical sites, commissions and organizations have come together to lift up Fuller’s multi-faceted life as an author, conversationalist, journalist, friend, companion, mother, and wife. The span of her life coincided with an era known as “The Flowering of New England,” a time she shared with the looming figures of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Bronson Alcott, Elizabeth Peabody, and Nathaniel Hawthorne, among others.

We have assembled this packet of worship resources as part of the effort to honor her remarkable life. It is meant to assist Unitarian Universalist congregations in a journey of discovery of this extraordinary woman, an ancestor of our faith.  Through informed worship may our congregations discover and rediscover Margaret Fuller in all her complexity, and be energized or re-energized as Unitarian Universalists in the spirit of her life.


For current information about Bicentennial events planned for this celebratory year, please visit the official website of the Bicentennial Committee: www.margaretfuller.org


Very truly yours,


The Reverend Rosemarie C. Smurzynski, and The Reverend Elizabeth B. Stevens

for the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Committee 



Resources from Unitarian Universalist

Hymnbook, Singing the Living Tradition

Hymns      4

Readings      4


Resources from Unitarian Universalist Hymnbook,
Singing the Journey      6


Quotations from Fuller      7


Chronology      12


Selected Bibliography

Selected Books and Chapters      21

Web Sites      22


Sermon:  “Margaret Fuller: Adieu, and Love as You Can” by the Rev. Christine Hillman      24


Dramatic Dialog Fuller/Emerson: “Distant Relations” by the Rev Mark Harris      30


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