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MARGARET FULLER BICENTENNIAL SERMON CONTEST Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society and the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Committee A new one-time only award will be given in 2010 for the best sermon drawing on the life and work of Margaret Fuller. The sermon may feature her life story, her work, and/or her writings, as they apply to the concerns and issues of today. A $350 award for the best sermon will be given at General Assembly 2010. The sermon will be published on the Bicentennial website, www.margaretfuller.org.  The goals of this contest are:
  • To promote greater awareness of the importance of Margaret Fuller, Unitarian foremother
  • To encourage congregations to celebrate Margaret Fuller Sunday at some time during year. Her 200th birthday is May 23, 2010.
  • To develop ongoing resources for the continuing study of Margaret Fuller
Both ministers and lay leaders may submit sermons. Sermons may have already been delivered or be scheduled for delivery during 2010.  A Worship Resources Guide for Margaret Fuller Sunday will be published on the UUA Worship Web in February 2010. SUBMISSION PROCESS: Deadline is May 31, 2010. Electronic submission preferred.
  • Include cover page, separate from the text, with name, address, phone number, email, date and location of sermon delivery.
  • Submit in MS Word, Rich Text Format, or Plain Text to sermon@margaretfuller.org or mail to: Margaret Fuller Bicentennial, c/o Rainbow Solutions, 225 Arlington St, Medford, MA 02155
SUBMISSION TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By submitting your sermon for consideration, you agree to grant the Unitarian Universalist Historical Society and the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Committee a non-exclusive, three year, royalty-free license to publish your sermon in publications and websites of these two groups. You also guarantee that your submission is an original work and, to the best of your knowledge, does not copy or otherwise infringe anyone else's work. And, you grant us the right to edit your work for space saving considerations. Attribution will be made each time your work is published. As the copyright owner, you have the right to use the sermon as you see fit at any time. For more information, please contact Rev. Gordon Gibson at ggibson@uuma.org or Rev. Dr. Dorothy May Emerson at info@margaretfuller.org


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