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Welcome! Here you will find information and activities related to the revised Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum and its use in Unitarian Universalist congregations and in other organizations. This site is a combined effort of Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion core group and various Cakes and W&R groups.

One of the women - Mary - in my Cakes II sessions gave us all a delightful surprise on our last evening together.

She made a copy of the On The Threshold Goddess image.
She bought several small - 4 X 6 - plastic photo albums.
She put the Goddess image in the front cover sleeve.
The second set of sleeves has the title - Cakes for the Queen of Heaven

Then she put in several family recipes - all renamed
Queen of Trifles and Enormity
Queen of Autumn Pumpkin Cake
Queen of Fruit Medley
Queen of Texas Cake
Queen of Citrus Cake
Mary's Bread - (she meant Mary the Apostle or Mary the mother of Jesus)

At the end she included a description of one of her family traditions as well as an invitation to join:

The Howl At the Moon Society
____________________________ (fill in your name)
As a cherished Mooniac

In honor of Grandma Marge and
All other kindred spirits who feel the strength and beauty of the Moon,
You are entitled and encouraged to howl, long and loudly,
Each full moon night.
When you do, know that you are connected
To the past and to the future,
And to people who love you and think of you
When the Moon is full.

 Mary was invited to attend the Cakes session by another Abraham Lincoln UU Congregation woman. Mary lives in Carlinville which does not have a UU congregation. She attends a weekly meeting of the "Seekers" in Carlinville. She is a former Catholic. Actually, Nancy, attends the Seekers meetings and brought 3 women including Mary - all former Catholics - to the Cakes II sessions.

I taught the class on Mondays to all UUs and on Thursdays to a class that was half and half. I really enjoyed facilitating Cakes II.

Springfield, IL


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