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May 2006

*Listen to "Sophia Fahs and Me" by Rev.Dr. Shirley Ranck

April 2006

*Listen to "Augusta Chapin and Me" by Dr. Shirley Ranck
*Listen to "Amy, Jake and the Dilemma of Heinz" by Dr. Shirley Ranck
*Listen to April 16, 2006,  11a.m. Service Topic: "Do You Know A Phoenix"
Dr. Shirley Ranck
*Listen to April 9, 2006,  11a.m. Service Topic: "Diving Deep and Surfacing"
Dr. Shirley Ranck

March 2006

*Listen to Mar 26, Sermon topic "Celebration Sunday" byDr. Shirley Ranck (mp3)
*Listen to the March 5 Sermon "The Global Woman"   by Dr Shirley Ranck
*Read the text of the March 5  Readings and Sermon "The Global Woman"   by Dr Shirley Ranck

February 2006

*Listen to  February 19th Sermon How Unitarian Universalists Can Change the World by Rev Shirley Ranck (mp3)
 * February 5, 2006 Sermon "Brigid, Candlemas and Ground Hog's Day" by Rev Shirley Ranck (mp3)
*January 15, 2006 " The Dream and the Lie"    by Dr. Shirley A. Ranck (mp3)

January 2006

 *January 15, 2006 " The Dream and the Lie"    by Dr. Shirley A. Ranck text format
*Listen to the January 8 Sermon "The Free Mind and the Reluctant Radical" by Dr Shirley Ranck
*Read the January 8 Sermon "The Free Mind and the Reluctant Radical" by Dr Shirley Ranck

December 2005

*Listen to December 11 Service topic: "The Rainbow Connection" by Dr Shirley Ranck (mp3)
* December 4, 2005 "Treasures of Nag Hamadi" by Dr Shirley Ranck
Listen in mp3 format

November 2005

*November 6, 2005 "She Changes" by Rev. Dr Shirley Ranck listen in mp3 format

October 2005

* October 30, 2005 "The Necessary Angel" by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck Meditation (mp3) Sermon (mp3)
* October 9, 2005 "What Do Unitarian Universalists believe?" by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck (text format) 
Listen in mp3 format
* October 2, 2005 Broken Images and Practical Cats by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck
Listen in mp3 format
September 2004
September 12, 2004:  Walking Together by Rev. Dr.Shirley Ranck  


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