Grandmother Galaxy cover photo slice
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GrandmotherGalaxy ShirleyRanckThe Grandmother Galaxy is one woman’s journey into three spirals of learning that have emerged and confront us in the 21st century--women’s creative spirituality, a growing appreciation of our earthly home, and a deepening respect for the varied cultures created by human beings. In each of these spirals the image of a fierce and powerful old woman arises as central to our journey. The book also has a study guide.

If wise old women were visible and powerful perhaps we would all be better educated about the female half of our religious history. If we honored the crone as a symbol of our earthly transformation, the cycle of death and new life, perhaps we would be less likely to destroy the life-giving systems of our planet. If we learned to respect indigenous cultures where old women are still revered, perhaps we could stem the violence against women, and between cultures, that pervades so much of our world. The Grandmother Galaxy explores some of these possibilities and asks: Could a growing galaxy of grandmothers lead us onto new paths for the future?

Rev. Ranck's long-awaited book is available in print and eBook formats from iUniverse. Or go ahead and purchase here!



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