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Welcome! Here you will find information and activities related to the revised Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum and its use in Unitarian Universalist congregations and in other organizations. This site is a combined effort of Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion core group and various Cakes and W&R groups.

Facilitators, here’s a checklist to get your planning started!

Logistics / Organizing:

____ Leader / Co-leaders – Discuss how you want to share responsibilities
____ Church approval (possible financial support for sitter or curriculum)
____ Confer with minister (curriculum may trigger memories of abuse)
____ Establish meeting dates & times
____ Consider childcare (suggest onsite if requested in advance)
____ Consider fees
____ Reserve space / Get onto official church calendar
____ Arrange access to building, know thermostat, fuse box, alarm system, etc.
____ Publicity – Fliers, Newsletter, Poster, Info Table, Press Release
____ Registration – Advance signup strongly recommended
____ Buy / organize supplies – folders, photocopies, art supplies
____ Refreshments (suggest hot water / tea & participants bring snacks)

Publicity: (begin approx. 3 months ahead of time with repeated exposure)

____ Newsletter articles (x3) (Use Cakes Q&A for content)
____ Get listed on Church calendar of activities
____ Fliers - Bulletin board at church & bookstores / libraries / YWCA / etc.
____ Announcements in Order of Service
____ Information table / Registration sign-up after church
____ eMail lists – CUUPs, Women’s Groups, etc.
____ Word of mouth among friends and friends of friends
____ Press release to local paper

Workshop Setup:
____ Nametags for participants
____ Chairs in a semi- circle with altar in the center (or at side in front of screen)
____ Computer / Projector / Screen (or DVD / DVD player / TV)
____ Newsprint / Markers / Tape / Easel
____ Side table for literature / books / other
____ Supplies for the specific workshop
____ Side table or other designated area for refreshments
____ Sitter if requested / space for childcare with appropriate toys
____ Participant contact information as handout

Potential Problems - Be prepared to deal with the following:
Enforcing ground rules, Keep the discussion on track, Keep track of time and cut appropriately, Bad weather cancellations, Dealing with disruptive people, Dealing with personal crisis issues, Possible backlash in congregation

Follow ups – Final report to church board, Celebration at end of series, Lay led service around experiences? Ongoing gathering for women’s spirituality? Cakes Part II Workshop Series!!

Extra Resources Available - Facilitators Tips
Cakes Q&A, Generic Flier, Blog to share your experience / learn from other’s experience



You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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