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Attention Women!  Especially those who may be interested in being croned this year.

We have two very special UU Women & Religion retreats planned in 2010 for the women of the Northern New England District.  The spring retreat will be June 11-13; during which we will explore the role of rituals in our lives.  Our daily rituals like morning coffee or meditation practice and the rituals that mark important transitions like entering the “wise woman” phase of our lives.  Some of the workshops will include Sacred Circle Dancing, Shamanic Journey to the Upper World, and discussions on bringing rituals into our families and daily lives.  Current Crones will meet with the women who intend on participating in the fall Croning ceremony to help them decide what elements they want in the ceremony and to assist in setting intentions.  It is not mandatory to attend the spring retreat if you are planning on being Croned in the fall but it is highly recommended.

You may wish to save the dates for the fall retreat as well—September 24-26, as it is the Croning retreat which is held only every 5 years.  This weekend is about preparing and celebrating the transition of women from the Mother aspect of the Goddess to the Crone aspect of the Goddess.  The Croning retreat offers a unique opportunity for all women to learn and grow by its focus on womanhood in its entirety and feel rejuvenated by immersing in the connection with the feminine divine.

To be eligible to be Croned you should be at least 56 years old and past menses.  There are many resources available on the web and we hope to have a resource section for that soon on this site.  In the meantime, a favorite book of many of our women is "Crones Don't Whine" by Jean Shinoda Bolen       .

Both retreats will take place at the Geneva Point Conference Center on Lake Winnipesaukee in central New Hampshire.

Download a Registration Form



September 30 - October 2, 2011

Geneva Point Conference Center
Moultonboro, NH

The Women & Religion Committee of the NNED will be offering its fall retreat entitled Creating Connections at Geneva Point Conference Center in Moultonboro, New Hampshire, on the shores of beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee. Whether you are a regular attendee or a new comer please join us for camaraderie, inspiring workshops, sisterly pampering, feminine energy, fun, and the opportunity to deepen connections with women from your home congregations as well as from across the district. For more information regarding the schedule, please contact Faith Barnes. Registration questions should be directed to Susan Gorman.


A book that has helped some of our sisters for the inner work in the journey to being Croned was Crones Don't Whine, Concentrated Wisdom for Juicy Women by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.



2:00-4:00         Retreat Planners arrive

4:00-6:00         Registrants arrive and settle in:

Check in with one of our Greeters (See Housing Chart)

Set up Blanket Bazaar, Trash & Treasures, and Clothing Swap, Grazing Table, Altar

6:00-7:00         Dinner

7:00-8:00         Orientation Inn

Welcome by Susan and Faith

Brief introductions of workshop leaders

Review site rules and regulations by Geneva Point Staff member

Introductions & Icebreaker - kything led by Susan Gorman

8:00-9:00         Creating Sacred Space Inn Lobby

Casting Our Circle led by Barbara Jabaut

Singing led by Chris Chance

9:00-10:00       Socialize, drumming at bonfire  or head to bed                                                  



7:00-7:45         Tai Chi led by Deb Merrick     

8:00                 BREAKFAST           

9:00-9:15         Gather together, talk about workshops for Crones-2-be and Sisters

                         – Reading about Wise Women – Barbara Jabaut Inn Lobby

9:30-10:15       Sisters meet with Crones -2-Be  Inn Lobby

10:30-12:15     Sisters – Gift making led by Debbie Merrick, Anna Myers & Reeva – Inn Lakeside Room

10:30-11:15     Crones-2-Be – Intention setting led by Susan Gorman – Inn Lobby

11:15 – 12:15   Crones-2-Be – Bookmaking & discussion led by Crones – Inn Lobby

11:00-12:15     Writing Workshop for the less Crafty Inclined – Sue Buckholz – Chapel Line Cabins

12:30               LUNCH

1:30-2:30         Sacred Circle Dancing led by Ronda Lecompte and Barbara Jabaut - Chapel

2:30 – 4:00       Crones-2-Be – Bookmaking & discussion cont’d led by Crones – Inn Lobby

1:30 – 4:00       Sisters – Gift Making cont’d led by Debbie, Anna & Reeva – Inn Lakeside Room

3:30 - 5:00       Decorating Chapel or Inn Lobby for Croning Ceremony

5:30                 Group Photo – Inn or Chapel

6:00 - 7:00      DINNER

7:00 - 9:00ish   Croning Ceremony – Emceed by Faith & others – Chapel or Inn Lobby         

9:00 – 10:30 Drumming, Dancing, celebrating new Crones – Inn, Chapel or around the fire Pit



7:00-7:45         Tai Chi led by Deb Merrick

8:00                 BREAKFAST

9:15 - 10:15     Business Meeting led by Susan and Faith

10:30-12:00     Worship Service including Water Ceremony led by Kathy Engle – Inn Lobby or Chapel

12:00- 12:30    Opening the Circle led by Barbara Jabaut

12:30               LUNCH 

1:00                 Everyone help pack up and say goodbye


Schedule and Program Subject to Change

Sign ups available for hike, kayak or swim

Icebreaker – Kything Workshop led by Susan Gorman

Please bring 10 beads that represent the stage of life you are in now to share with other women in your group.


Writing Workshop for the Less Crafty Inclined led by Sue Buckholz

Every woman carries every stage of her life within her at every point on her journey.  Some of us use art and crafts to express ourselves and our woman natures.  Some of us use words – intuitively, orally, in writing.  Sometimes one mode, sometimes another. This is a workshop focusing on all stages of our lives, using guided meditation, free writing, discussion and, if we are so inclined, production of poems and/or prose in appreciation of – well – US, as in all of us, maiden, mother and crone.


Gift Making led by Debbie Merrick, Anna Myers & Reeva

Bring your creative spirit and talents to this workshop as we move from craft table to craft table making gifts of passage for the Crones-2-Be. Crones-2-Be please bring special ribbons, flowers, mementos and other materials you want your sisters to use when decorating your broom stick and your crown.


Intention Setting for Crones-2-Be led by Susan Gorman

We like to envision our Croning not as a line that separates who we were before and who we become after crossing over, but as a continuation of everything we have been from our first days on earth through to now and beyond!  Our spirit is celebrating this becoming time.  What do we want our crone years to be about?  What do we want to continue learning?  What do we want to try that we've never done before?  This workshop is about calling forth the deepest parts of us, in preparation for our ceremony and for all the beautiful years to come.



Bookmaking led by Crones

Crones-2-Be bring your intentions, special mementos,  poems, pictures, etc. to this workshop to discuss what it means to make the passage into this part of our lives as we work to create a special booklet to celebrate our status as Wise Women. Booklets will be provided



Honoring Ourselves and Our Community
UU NNED Women & Religion Fall Retreat

October 4-6, 2013

Geneva Point Conference Center, Moultonborough, NH

Our theme this year “Honoring Ourselves and Our Community” builds on our theme of “Gathering our Community” from last fall. The schedule, although not completely finalized, features our usual community gathering ceremonies – Closing and Opening the Sacred Circle, The Water Ceremony, Entertainment by Us, and The Worship Service – as well as a range of art, movement, acupressure and meditative workshops. As always, there is time for personal reflection and the flexibility to participate in as many or few workshops as you wish. Remember this is your weekend and we want it to work for you. I look forward to the positive energy and the connections I enjoy during the retreat and the gifts they provide me when we all depart.

Registration is on a first come, first served basis. UU women will get first preference.  Cost is $130 to $190 depending on room -outlined on registration form. Cancellations before Setpember 8 will be assessed a $50 fee. There will be NO refunds after September 13, 2013.

If you have any questions about the programming or Geneva Point, please email Faith Barnes. Any questions about registration should be emailed to Joy Blanchette, Administrator, NNED-UUA

All spaces at Geneva Point  have heat.  Bedding and bath towels are provided.  You may want to bring a beach towel if you plan to swim or kayak/canoe.  Meals and room assignments: Friday night dinner will be a pot luck provided by us and served in Gibbes House. Please bring your own plate, cup and flatware. The remainder of our meals Saturday- 3 meals and Sunday breakfast will be served in the Meeting House Dining Area. Munchies from our traditional “grazing table” are provided by us. We have been assigned Gibbes House and the Chapel Line Cabins. Gibbes House has ten rooms and is where we will be holding many of our events. The Chapel Line Cabins are a short walk to Gibbes House. If you have mobility issues you will be assigned a first floor room in Gibbes House.Registration is on a first come, first served basis.  UU women will get first preference. The Registration Deadline has been extended to September 13, 2013.  Cost is $130 to $190 depending on room -outlined on registration form.  Cancellations before Setpember 8 will be assessed a $50 fee.  There will be NO refunds after September 13, 2013.  SCHEDULE

Participation in scheduled activities is optional. This is your weekend and we hope that you will share your gifts and talents with our community of women. Become involved by helping with setting up/cleaning up, organizing or leading an activity, offering your skills in healing, whether it be massage, a listening ear, music, or whatever!! Each of us makes community.The “4 Goddesses Dancing” banner will be available all weekend to be added to and enjoyed, we invite you to decorate this beautiful banner with a personal contribution.

Friday October 4th
2:00-4:00 PM        Retreat Planners arrive
4:00-6:00 PM        Registrants arrive and settle in: Check in at the Gibbes House with one of our greeters and settle into your room, pick up your nametag. Set up Blanket Bazaar, Trash & Treasures, Clothing Swap, Potluck donations,  Grazing table and Altar; walk to the lake, explore Geneva Point Conference Center
6:00-7:00 PM       Potluck Dinner in Gibbes House Meeting Room
7:00-8:00 PM       Orientation,  Gibbes House -- Faith Barnes
                             Brief Intro of workshops and their leaders 
                             Review retreat ground rules regarding respect and speaking for oneself
                             Review site rules and regulations by Geneva Point staff member Introductions &
                             Ice Breaker -- Faith Barnes
8:00-9:00 PM       Creating Sacred Space in Gibbes House – TBA
                             Singing led by Chris Chance
9:00-10:00 PM     Socialize, head to bed or drumming at the fire pit (upper lawn) (weather permitting)Saturday, October 5th 
7:00-7:45              Tai Chi, Lawn or Gibbes House  -- Debbie Merrick
8:00  AM              Breakfast Meeting House Dining Area
9:00-9:15             Gather Together, Gibbes House -- Faith Barnes
9:30-10:45           The Work that ReConnects, Gibbes House – Reeva Murphy
10:45-12:15          Sacred Circle Dancing, Gibbes House -- Barbara Jabaut, Ronda LeCompte
12:30                    Lunch Meeting House Dining Area
1:30-4:00              Kayaking or swimming
1:30-3:30              Wild Women & Warriors Art Workshop , Shaw House – Nantz Comyns
3:30-4:30              Drumming Circle, Upper Lawn or Shaw House -- TBA
2:30-4:00              Yoga Dance, Upper Lawn or Gibbes House -- Chris Chance
4:00-5:15              Foot Soak and Pampering – Gibbes House– led by whoever wants to get things started!
6:00                      Group Photo Gibbes House Stairs or porch. Dress up in your fun or fancy outfit nothing is too outlandish! Bring your camera.
6:30                      Dinner – Meeting House Dining area
7:30-8:30              Water Ceremony led by TBA
A Women’s Retreat tradition. Bring your vial of water, your stories, poems,      experiences, challenges, and successes as we share with one another the spiritual meaning of our lives. While no event is mandatory at Retreat, we hope all women will attend this very special time of sharing, healing, and      hope. (Remember, we have many women who would like to share, so we’ll all      appreciate it if you keep your sharing brief.)  
8:30-9:15              Entertainment by Us! – MCed by TBA 
Share your writings, a silly skit, songs, read a poem -- any entertainment, silly or serious is welcome…or just be part of the audience. A sign up sheet will be posted to signup so acts can be scheduled. 
9:15-10:30           BONFIRE on the upper lawn for singing and drumming (weather permitting)

Sunday, October 6th
7:00-7:45              Tai Chi on lawn or Gibbes House with Debbie Merrick
8:00                      Breakfast – Meeting House Dining Area
9:00                      Discussion -- Where are we and what do we want to become? – Led by Faith Barnes - See how you can contribute to this caring and nurturing organization
10:00                    Worship Service, Gibbes House – Reeva Murphy
                             Opening of the Circle -- TBA and dance “Listen, Listen, Listen to My Heart Song” a very special tradition you don’t want to miss.
11:30 AM             Clean-Up of our common space by all. 

Departure           Safe Journey until we meet again!

The Women & Religion movement officially began in 1977, with the passage of the Women and Religion Resolution at the UUA’s annual General Assembly. The dual focus of the resolution was to urge the UUA to look at the religious roots of sexism, and to encourage all Unitarian Universalists to examine the extent to which religious beliefs influence sex-role stereotypes in interpersonal behavior within families, friendships and in the workplace.

The Northeast District Women & Religion Committee began in 1982, when 24 women gathered for 24 hours. The NED W&R has occasionally fostered activities and programs within the District and at District meetings directed at raising consciousness of women’s issues and concerns; however, its primary focus has been sponsoring Fall and Spring weekend conferences with a wide variety of programming for women. For over 25 years, women have gathered to learn, rest, play, grow, sing, dance and celebrate life’s passages. In 2008, two districts merged to become the Northern New England District. We became the NNE W&R. Sadly, around 2011 the group disbanded.

Dear Ladies,

I’m sorry to have to tell you that the Northern New England District Women and Religion Spring Retreat scheduled for May 20-22, 2011 is canceled due to a lack of coordinator and liability issues.  We have put several requests out to the group, starting at the Fall Retreat, to fill the role of coordinator but no one has come forward.  I’ve coordinated most of the retreats for the past 5 years or so and it has been an amazing experience.  It has helped me professionally by improving confidence in public speaking and organizational skills, but also personally by giving me the opportunity to get to know so many amazing women.  Although I have no intention to leave the group altogether, it is someone else’s turn for the responsibilities and rewards of leadership.  Another issue is the subject of liability as we currently are not under the umbrella of the District, there is personal financial risk to the organizers.

Susan Gorman, Jen Civiello, Sue Buckholz, Faith Barnes, Barbara Jabaut, and Marjorie Young are meeting with Rev. Mary Higgins of the NNED on April 8th to work out details of re-affiliation with the district.  This will mean working in some new ways with the district, including administrative support and liability coverage.  We hope this meeting will allow for a fall retreat at Geneva Point Conference Center on Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2.  In order for a fall retreat to happen, we will need a retreat coordinator and perhaps other women to serve as part of the Women and Religion NNED committee.  More details will be available after the April 8th meeting.

If retreats have been important to you in the past, think about how you might become involved to allow them to continue.

Yours in faith and friendship,

Leslie Bayers

UU W&R Spring Retreat, June 11-13, 2010


Registration DEADLINE: May 14, 2010 for June 11-13 weekend.
Registration is on a first come, first served basis. UU women will get first preference.

Cancellations before May 14th will be assessed a $50 fee. There will be NO refunds after May 14th.

COST per person: Includes 2 nights and 6 meals (Friday dinner –Sunday lunch) and all retreat activities. INN beds include blanket, comforter, and pillow. Linens $10 extra-include sheets, bath, face, and wash towels; or you can supply your own.

Wood stove in first floor lobby supplies building’s only heat. Shared toilet/shower rooms. Retreat  gathering area will be 1st floor Inn lobby. Also use of 2 lower level rooms and porch for retreat activities. Dining in nearby building.

Check payable to: NED Women and Religion
Send this form and check to: Barbara Jabaut, Registrar 23 Stackpole Rd. Durham ME 04222
Contact: registrar@uuwomenandreligion.org or (207) 784-2261.

W&R strives to make our retreats available to all women who wish to attend, regardless of
ability to pay. Preference is given to UU women. For more info, contact Barbara Jabaut (info, above)
We welcome your tax deductible donations to our Scholarship Fund.

June 11-13
Geneva Point Conference Center

Download registration form:· Registration Form

Informational Poster:· Poster

Sylvia Sims journeyed from our world on Christmas Eve 2008. She was surrounded by family, holding hands, and Mozart's Requiem was playing as she had previously requested. Sylvia was the embodiment of female strength and warmth. An example to all on living a life that integrates mind, body and soul. She will be missed.


Singing, dancing, sharing, relaxing, making music, and eating chocolate.

Evening entertainment provided by us!

Water Ceremony.

Sunday Worship Service.

Blanket Bazaar — a place to sell your wares (please donate 10% of proceeds to our scholarship fund).

Trash & Treasures, and clothing exchange—a swap of gently used items.

A licensed massage therapist will be available to give massages (sign up at retreat and pay additional fee).


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

* Donate: