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Southern Region

MidAmerica Region

EliotWWLogoWhiteSt. Louis area

Pacific Central District UUW&R
UU Women and Religion of the Pacific Central District


SouthWest UU Women  - Southern Region

Clara Barton District

Canadian UU Women


SisterSOUURCE For/by Black UU womxn, lgbtqi+ and nonbinary

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International Convocation of UU Women

UUWF logo words horiz

Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation

Disbanded but some archives online

Joseph Priestley District W&R

Northern New England W&R

Florida District (disbanded in 2009 - archives online)
UUWA - Metro New York District
Mass Bay District
Mountain Desert
Florida NorthEast Cluster
Women's Spirituality Group and Women's Drumming Circle, First Unitarian Church, South Bend, Indiana

More UU Women's Groups

(if you would like to be listed, contact the Webweaver)

Sister Circles at UU Church of Eugene, Oregon

Association of Unitarian Women First U of Minneapolis, Minnesota

UU Sisterhood at UU Church of Ft. Lauderdale

In The Company of Women, retreat at Ferry Beach, Saco Maine

Artemis Women's Spirit Circles at UUC Fairfax Virginia

Women's Group at Holston Valley TN UUC

Women's Spirituality Group at First UU Austin TX

Womanspirit Retreat at Las Cruces, NM


Unitarian Women's Group in the UKin the UK

In The Company of Women

Revitalizing UU Women's Groups: A How-To Manual


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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