Herstory - District and Regional
"Being Peace"
Our Fall Retreat
October 12, 13, 14 2007
Chinsegut Hill Conference and Retreat Center
After our amazing conference in May, where we discussed Healing & Changing our World, few things could seem more timely than a retreat focused on bringing & being peace. We will spend our time together learning & sharing about the concept of peace & what holds us back from peace in our minds, bodies, spirits, and our greater world. During our ingathering, we will share a Gifting Blanket - a Native American tradition that teaches us about gratitude & the perfect web of all things. Please bring a small gift of personal significance - perhaps something you already own - wrapped in brown paper or newsprint with your name inside. We will exchange these gifts in a meaningful way - each receiving exactly the gift that was meant for us. We will be given many other gifts, of course, on this special retreat - a knowing smile, a hug, a deep insight, hearty laughter, and the magic of being in community.
We will have workshops to help you achieve peace in your body & spirit. We will create a communal piece of art that will represent what holds us all back from peace & which we will burn in ceremony on Saturday night. And we will hold small group discussions about peace - what it is, how to achieve it, and why it matters. This promises to be a fabulous event - we look forward to seeing you all there!
We have a number of workshops in mind. These are a sample of what may be available.
Join us for gentle Yoga and experience a peaceful session whereby you work to integrate yourself with the environment, the body, the mind, and the spirit.
Nature Walk Meditation
The Chinsequt grounds have wonderful nature trails. A Peace inspirited walking meditation will be set up for your enjoyment. Walk alone or with others to reinvigorate your soul, find inspiration and renew yourself for life after our woman's gathering.
Community Art
Faith will facilitate a communal Peace art project which will be created during the day. It will play an integral part in Saturday night's extravaganza. This project will be ritually burned as an offering to the spirit of peace.
Non-violent Communication
Susan Hefte will lead a group exercise and discussion on productive methods of communication in today's world. Susan is a dynamic presenter who will inspire and facilitate an amazing discussion.
Peace Ribbon Project
The Peace Ribbon honors the victims of the Iraq War by creating a memorial to fallen soldiers and Iraqi civilians. The Peace Ribbon Project in an ongoing project and our goal is to create a remembrance panel for each life that has been claimed by this war. The Peace Ribbon has been displayed around the country. You can visit The Peace Ribbon Project for photos. You will be invited to help create a panel. Bring sewing machines and scraps if you'd like. You may also just find out more about Code Pink.
The Florida district of W & R has been extremely active in the last few years. Our "spiritual home" where we had met for retreats twice a year for nearly twenty years became unable to meet our needs. This necessitated a long search for another facility that could house our retreats, provided the quality of service we desired and privacy for our group. As you may imagine this change of venue was integral to maintaining our district continuity. In the last year we had to cancel one event because a retreat center was not available. We were please to find a perfect new home for our spring 2006 gathering.
In spring 2006, about 56 woman and children gathered at Chinsequt Hill Retreat Center in Brooksville, Florida. Our theme, Pele: Goddess of Destruction - Goddess of Creation: Two Ends of a Continuum invited women to contemplate the Hawaiian Goddess Pele and to use her inspiration as we strive for balance in our lives. With Pele's help we explored the vision that we all must learn to in live with the power of fire, both internal and external, and learn to be in balance - to embrace our anger, as well as our calm. Pele's many facets were explored through hula, Hawaiian chants, songs and legends. Luckily, we had Kalina who for twenty years has been teaching these locally. For workshops, we made real Hawaiian gourd drums, created ritual skirts like those worn by Pele's sisters, crochet leis in the new style, created Maori mandalas, used Hawaiian story starters for a writing workshop and learned basic hula. Saturday evening was a joy to behold as all the groups presented what they made and preformed small skits for the evening. Pele (Margaret Shepard) made an appearance and torches were lit for a sacred dance to Pele. It's hard to choose a highlight because the weekend was so much fun. One of the most memorable moments was when Susan C. Hefte was reading the Hawaiian story of the Flying Vulva. In an effort rid herself of the male pig god who is following her Pele's sister flings here vulva across the islands - at this moment Susan lifted her skirt and dramatically flung Spanish moss across the room. This retreat was organized and lead by Leslie Rigg, Jill Oldenski, Susan Pendergraft and Kalina.
In May of 2007 Diana Fraser and Patty Callaghan organized a group of woman to host a conference at the UU of Clearwater Florida. The theme was Healing and Changing Our World about 80 woman and children join us for the weekend. For generations women have been healers, and that tradition has been passed down to our daughters thru the ages. To this end many exciting workshops were offered: Harmonic Rituals for Everyday Balance, Energy Medicine, Eco-feminism: Spirituality and Activism, Our Rwanda Sisters, Ratify the ERA, Healing with Music, Taoist Tai Chi, Facial Massage Meditation, Living Organically, Creating Prayer Shawls, Women and Economics in the Third World, and Solar Funnel Cookers. Our evening concert was the phenomenal Amy Carol Webb who some of you may know from SUUSI. This powerful singer songwriter is extremely talented at writing and performing feminist music. Magaret Shepard led the rituals during the evening. She is wonderful person who is able to enhance any spiritual event. The sanctuary was decorated with amazing goddess inspired art produced by Judy Villei. A labyrinth on loan from Hospice was available for sign-up. Ann Myers organized a group of woman and men to provide the food for the weekend. The conference was a great success; many people experienced the Florida group for the first time! An empowered group of younger women from the Clearwater church to offered to help plan the next retreat. Plans were made to create new Cakes circle for the younger woman. We were very lucky that Jenn Bernsdorff has agreed to co-chair the Florida District. Please join us for the next retreat it's going to be a wonderful follow-up to a great year!
Susan Pendergraft, Co-Chair
Other News
W&R Resolution initiator/activist Lucile Schuck Longview, 96, recently relocated to 155 E. Kellogg Rd, #210, Bellingham, WA 98226, per her son Steve. He also writes that she "might appreciate a 'Welcome to your new home' card with [just] your signature. Additional notations would have no value," he adds in a poignant letter. Warmest thanks to those who take time to do this.
W&R foremother/implementer/activist Rosemary Matson turns 90 on September 20. A large gala will be held for her on September 29 at a UU Church near her home in California. Groups she has been active with, many for decades, include the United Nations, Humanists of America, UU Women & Religion, UU Women's Federation, UU Women's Heritage Society, Carmel Valley Women's Network and others. She has received numerous awards and honors throughout her life. If you are so inclined, cards may be sent to her at P.O. Box 1710, Carmel Valley, CA 93924.
FL W&R 2008 Fall Retreat!
October 10-12, 2008
Chinsegut Hill Education Conference Center
University of South Florida, Brooksville
5th Annual Florida Unitarian Universalist Women’s Retreat
March 20 - 22, 2015
Cedarkirk Conference Center, Lithia Florida
Through structured and unstructured activities, attendees will discover ways to connect to themselves as they are today, see others in new light, and delve into the spiritual and natural universes. Take a new look at the labyrinth, create a private centering display, and experience mental and possibly physical challenges with leaders through Pathfinders. Spend time with some new others or see old friends in a deeper way. Such will compose the weekend. See you there.
Registration is limited to 40 Participants – reserve your space now !
The retreat is moving to Cedarkirk as DaySpring is not available.
The retreat begins at 5pm Friday afternoon and concludes at noon on Sunday.
Both private and semi private rooms are available. Meals included in your registration fee are Friday dinner through Sunday breakfast. Our new location is less expensive! $155 semi private room with $20 deposit $175 first floor semi private room $20 deposit – limited number available $200 private room with $30 deposit – limited number available
Final payment is due by January 15, 2015
For more information and a registration form contact: Helen Leddy helen.leddy@gmail.com
We look forward to another great retreat and hope you will be able to join us this year!
- The sponsoring organization should make clear to the facilitators what the budget is for the conference.
- How much money is available for expenses and honorarium for a guest speaker?
- Do workshop leaders get an honorarium? If so, how much? Or, do they only get free registration for the conference? Or expenses only? Or no compensation?
- What is the appropriate registration fee? Is it the policy of the sponsoring organization to keep the fee as low as possible or to raise it in order to pay speakers and workshop leaders more? The higher the fee, the more demand there is likely to be for scholarship money.
- Is it possible to have some money available in advance as "seed money," for travel costs, food, supplies, or as deposit on facilities?
- Is it possible for a participant to register at a reduced fee for one day or some other fraction of the conference? Managing partial registrations may be a headache. However, partial registrations may encourage local people to attend for less than the full conference (and may get some interested in attending future retreats/conferences at other locations.)
- How much money is available for scholarships? What policies govern granting of scholarships? Should scholarship recipients be asked to work at the conference? What are the criteria? Are scholarships given on a "first ask-first get," or some other basis? What showing of need is required? Who decides who will get scholarship aid?
- If the conference is being held in a society's building, is the society to be reimbursed for use of its facilities? If so, how much? Is it giving up normal rentals to accommodate the conference?
- The facilitators and the treasurer of the sponsoring organization should agree to whom registration checks are payable, and who pays for — or is reimbursed for which expense.
* With FL W & R conferences, the local sponsoring group generally receives all conference related money and pays bills through a designated account of that society. A final accounting and check for balance is given to W & R Treasurer. It is important that these funds be payable to and pass through an organizational account, not that of an individual (no matter how trustworthy that person!)
The Florida District Unitarian-Universalist Women & Religion Committee strives to:
- provide resources and a network for women to affirm spirituality,
- increase self esteem, and empower action for change;
- transform the "power over" model of relating to a "power with" model;
- assist the congregations and societies in the District to root out all forms of domination and oppression;
- provide opportunities for women to grow spiritually and personally;
- explore the richness of our diversity,
- and support one another.
The 2014 program is being planned by women from the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ft Myers.
The theme is Women and Power.
During our weekend together we will share stories and inspirations and explore the many aspects of power in our lives and in the lives of women of the world.
DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center, located conveniently off I-75, offers a wooded setting on a cove of the Manatee River.
$220 per person covers expenses, including semi-private room and six meals. A non-refundable deposit of $20 will reserve your place.
Final payment is due by January 15, 2014.
For more information and an application, contact Rita Sizemore:
rsrsizemore@gmail.com or call 239-437-1014.
- Volunteers usually need to be recruited personally. Asking for volunteers generally does not get them.
- Volunteers are entitled to know as precisely as possible what they will be doing.
- Volunteers are entitled to know reasonable deadlines for their tasks as well as approximately how many hours of work are involved.
- Speakers and workshop leaders should receive a letter in the nature of a contract specifying what they agree to do, when, where, and what payment they are receiving, either as honorarium or expenses. A speaker receiving a substantial sum of money should be asked to sign and return a copy of the letter as confirmation.
- It is reasonable to ask a speaker who is being reimbursed for expenses to choose as economical an air fare as possible, In fact, it is wise to put this in the letter of agreement.
- Workshop leaders are entitled to know whether they will be reimbursed for supplies they provide.
- Some guest speakers like a lot of direction; others prefer to plan their own programs with as much freedom as possible. It is worth it to find out early what preferences a given speaker has. Above all, speakers and facilitators need to have a common understanding about how much freedom speakers have.
Spring 1996
This Guide was first produced in 1991, and copyrighted, by Barbara Child, then Co-Chair of the Florida District Women & Religion (W&R) Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Association. It has been "guide extraordinaire" and foundation for many wonderful, successful annual conferences and semi-annual retreats sponsored by W & R since then.
This revision grows not so much from the need for major change (for most of what is here is still Barbara's original work), but rather to add and fine-tune in some areas where time and experience have changed the "way we do things."
In a March 4, 1992 edition, Barbara gives her thanks to Mary Goolsby, Joyce King, Sandra Schulman, Jean Siegfried and Kate Throop for their several contributions and suggestions, and dedicates her work to "Andrea Schuver and Susan Stephenson, who first showed me what a Joyous experience a women's retreat can be."
She points out further that while the guide is written with women's retreats and conferences in mind, it is adaptable for men's events or for events for women and men together.
For this 1996 edition, I would add, from each of us who have enjoyed the sagacity and practicality of this Guide, heartfelt thanks Barbara — and Blessed Be.
Mary Howard Cadwell
May 31, 1996
Hopes, Ambitions, Trials, and Silver Linings
Dates: First & third Mondays
Time: 6:30 PM
Place: Children's Chapel in Ministers' Hall
Facilitator: Barbara Hatzfeld
HATS is a meeting time for women to discuss issues in our lives. We are here to support one another as life throw challenges at us. We keep confidences within the group. It is less structured than Small Groups, as the topics are not set. HATS has been part of 1st UU since 1999.
For more information, contact Barbara Hatzfeld
In Memory: Rev. Laurel Sheridan (1940-2008)
Rev. Sheridan died on May 15, 2008 after hospitalization for numerous ailments. She was ordained in 1982 in Duxbury, MA, and served in Vermont, Maine, and Pennsylvania before returning to Massachusetts.
Third Annual Florida UU Women’s Retreat, March 15-17 - The weather was perfect, the setting attractive and the energy warm and welcoming for the forty women who gathered in retreat last month at the DaySpring Conference Center in Ellenton, Florida. For the past three years this gathering has brought UU women together from congregations as far north as Georgia to as far south as Fort Myers. The goal of the retreat is simply to strengthen connections and enjoy time together in a comfortable setting.
Dear Women of WomanSpirit---
Our May Gathering will be next week: Monday, May 11th :
7:30 p.m. in Osias Hall. (For those who don't know UUFBR too well, Osias is the large room you walk through on the way to the Sanctuary, so come in the usual front door to find us.)
The evening will center around The Artful Bras Project -- which was designed by some South Carolina quilters to raise breast cancer awareness in a unique way. Plan on an evening of shared beauty and creativity (plus some funky humor) as we will be creating "artful bras." (If you want to learn more in advance, "Google" "artful bras.")
As always, all UUFBR women members and friends are invited to be with us at WomanSpirit gatherings. Questions?? please feel free to contact Leslie Rigg, Adele Alexandre, or me.
Please bring with you, if possible:
old bras, ribbons, buttons, beads, other interesting findings --
see you there.... mary c...........
And, just for your contemplation....
Breast cancer walks daily among us at UUFBR -- having made its mark on at least 18 UUFBR women at some time during the past 20 years.
Come hear Sally Roesch Wagner, PhD in St. Pete March 28, 2009!
"Meet Matilda Joslyn Gage"
A free presentation by a nationally recognized lecturer, pioneer feminist, author, and noted women's studies professor will be given Saturday, March 28, at the St. Petersburg U-U Church at Mirror Lake. Gage, as important as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was recognized in her day as part of the suffrage leadership 'triumvirate.' Nearly written out of history after her death in 1898 for her radical views, Gage remains amazingly relevant and inspirational today.
Doors open @ 1:30 p.m.
Presentation @ 2:00 p.m.
FMI see flyer under the Announcements category,
or contact Gloria Marvin [marvin8101 at aol.com]
Dear Sisters,
I wanted to let you know that I have spearheaded a memorial art project to raise awareness for domestic violence. This final work will memorialize Jenn, Andrea, Olivia and Magnus along with all those who have suffered. W & R women from all over the country have sent pieces of art to add to the final project. At this time it looks like it will be a main banner plus a prayer flag like section of artwork that will be displayed at GA in Ft. Lauderdale in June 2008.
If you would like to create something no larger than 15 x 15 you may send it to me. Please put fusible interface on the back so we might attach it easily to the final project. In fact, you may use fusible interface throughout so that you may iron the pieces together – you need not sew. Also, you do not need to make it a square – any shape is ok. I will need to have the pieces sent to me no later than May 24th or Memorial Day weekend. That way we’ll have time to organize it before GA. If any of you are attending GA and would like to be part of our ritual or silent walk – whatever it turns out to be please let me know or keep in touch if I lose touch.
You may mail completed panels to:
Susan Pendergraft
I attended GA in Ft. Lauderdale this summer to represent the Florida District of W & R. At that time we listened to a fascinating opening talk given by the Rev. Shirley Ranck. I was honored to be in her presence and found her humility, quiet strength and fortitude to be an inspiration to us all. Our Florida district co-chairs Jenn and Andrea were honored in a service by Rev. Addae Watson. Women from around the country lit candles in their honor. The beautiful altar cloth/art healing piece was the center of the altar. Rev. Watson created a healing circle that I will always remember. The piece was place in the GA W & R booth. You can see pictures at the link listed below.
During GA a request was made to send and/or bring the cloth to the International Convocation of UU Women in Houston, TX in February of next year. There was talk that the art piece could be a traveling consciousness-raising exhibition to be launched at the Convo. It would be nice if domestic violence educational material or curriculum could be packaged along with the piece. I am hoping one of you can gather some materials. I was asked to present a workshop, but my work commitments will not allow me to do this. Perhaps someone in our group has some expertise in this area and would like to go. All UU women are invited to attend. Many dynamic women will be presenting. It should be a wonderful event.
Other news – the second portion of Cakes for the Queen of Heaven is now complete and can be ordered on line. Both Cakes I and Cakes II are $40.00 each and can be ordered online at UUWR.org
Link International Convo http://www.icuuw.com/index.html
-- Former District Chair
Susan Pendergraft
GA booth with the banner:
SEPTEMBER 8TH AT THE GALLERY (formerly Imago, 702 New Haven Ave in Historic
Downtown Melbourne, 2nd floor, between Main Street Pub and Heneger Center).
Save the date and make sure to attend the monthly Brevard NOW meeting
Tuesday. You will be thrilled at the progress of our TAKE BACK THE NIGHT
community event to raise awareness of the tragic problem of Domestic
Violence in Brevard. This is going to be a event that will also bring the
diverse groups in our community together for a comman good. From Police to
Churches, Shelters to Charities, there is a groundswell of "Yes, We Will".
Bring your ideas, a friend, and your energy and be there!
If you have any questions, call 321 615 6445 or e mail me at
president at brevardNOW.org
- You or registrar should check with site manager(s) to give number of participants expected and any other information needed.
- Reconfirm that menu is as you wish. (See Appendix I for suggestions.)
- Sit down with your co-facilitator and any others who have particular parts to play in the program. Make sure you go over everything about the retreat so everyone understands and everything is in order.
- A press release should be mailed to interested societies, newsletter editors, etc., approximately three months before the conference, giving its dates, location, theme, and special guest speakers.
- The registration brochure should be mailed to the sponsoring organization's mailing list six or seven weeks before the conference. This may be separate from, or as a part of, that organization's newsletter.* If brochure is mailed separately, be sure to check if that cost must come from conference budget.
- If it is feasible to have participants indicate workshop preferences on their registration forms, that advance information can help planners select an appropriately sized room and the amount of supplies needed for each workshop. (Understand that some participants will feel free to alter choices once there.)
* Such as FL District W&R Womanspirit.
Spring 1996
This Guide was first produced in 1991, and copyrighted, by Barbara Child, then Co-Chair of the Florida District Women & Religion (W&R) Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Association. It has been "guide extraordinaire" and foundation for many wonderful, successful annual conferences and semi-annual retreats sponsored by W & R since then.
This revision grows not so much from the need for major change (for most of what is here is still Barbara's original work), but rather to add and fine-tune in some areas where time and experience have changed the "way we do things."
In a March 4, 1992 edition, Barbara gives her thanks to Mary Goolsby, Joyce King, Sandra Schulman, Jean Siegfried and Kate Throop for their several contributions and suggestions, and dedicates her work to "Andrea Schuver and Susan Stephenson, who first showed me what a Joyous experience a women's retreat can be."
She points out further that while the guide is written with women's retreats and conferences in mind, it is adaptable for men's events or for events for women and men together. (Copies of this Guide are available at $5 each. Contact webweaver@floridawomenandreligion.org for more information.)
For this 1996 edition, I would add, from each of us who have enjoyed the sagacity and practicality of this Guide, heartfelt thanks Barbara — and Blessed Be.
Mary Howard Cadwell, May 31, 1996
Putting on a retreat is a great experience. It is even better if you can get things taken care of ahead of time, so that the retreat is enjoyable for you as well as participants. This checklist of decisions to make and things to do is designed to save you headaches and help you get everything taken care of in plenty of time. Feel free to use it as a Guide only: adding or altering to fit your unique situation. Make notes to pass on to others, if you wish.
(You may also find it helpful to browse through the Conference Procedures section: many ideas are interchangeable between Retreats and Conferences.)*
1. Decide on retreat dates.
2. Decide on retreat site and reserve it. (Note: most sites require an advance deposit to guarantee the space.) (See Appendix A for sample retreat center brochure.)
3. Consider these issues in choosing a site:
* Is its location central? Convenient?
* Does it offer the space you need for full group activities, for smaller workshops, for recreation?
* Does it offer the sleeping arrangements you need, including both camping facilities and nearby hotel/motel, as well as on-site rooms?
* Can accommodations be made "handicapped accessible?"
* Does it have an attentive staff on call?
* Does it provide meals and have the flexibility to accommodate vegetarians and others with special dietary needs? (See Appendix I for ideas.)
* Does it offer the privacy and security necessary to make participants comfortable?
* Is the space adaptable for offering child care? For infants/very young child "baby-sitting" and for older children in a "youth camp" type program?
*References made throughout this handbook to local "society/societies" denotes any UU church/fellowship/congregation/society, etc.
4- Review W&R (and/or District) policies on retreats, re:
* Child care requirements.
* Financial arrangements.
* Scholarships.
* Vendors and sales.
* Use of wine/"spirits"
5- Decide whether to have a co-facilitator(s). Consider the advantages:
* Share the work.
* Test ideas.
* Share the fun.
* Provide more variety in presenting activities at the retreat.
* Troubleshoot more effectively.
Consider these issues in choosing a co-facilitator(s):
* Are your working styles compatible?
* Do you have different skills and interests that will complement and balance each other? For example, it can work well if one of you is the "big picture" person and other the "detail" person. If one of you has never facilitated a retreat before, it helps if the other one has.
* Are you in the same town? If not, can you get together easily and often, at least by phone? e-mail?
* Are you both interested in the same retreat theme?
6- Decide on a specific theme and a title for the retreat that expresses it.
7- Begin to line up needed support persons:
* Registrar. (See Appendix D: Retreat Registrar's Job Description) This is the person to whom participants will send their registration forms and payment. This person will also be assigning bed space; therefore, it is good to choose
* Chikd Care Workers: Decide on appropriate age categories: you need separate workers and different programs for (1) infants and toddlers, than for (2) elementary to early teens. (Consider at what age boys are no longer welcome at a women's retreat and at what age you want to include older teen girls as program participants or as child care workers.)
8- Check on deadlines for articles in district or other appropriate newsletters.
1. Prepare a brief notice for publication in District newsletter (Sunshine). If it is feasible, send this notice to individual congregations to publish in their newsletters or Sunday morning bulletins. (W & R Area Communicators may be helpful in getting information out to local congregations.) This notice should include:
* the title (theme) of the retreat and name of sponsoring organization.
* the dates and place.
* names of facilitators.
* a name, address and phone contact for questions.
* information about when to expect brochures and registration forms.
2. Confer with registrar and co-facilitator about
* deadline dates for registration/late registration (probably 10 days before retreat, but expect numerous late registrations.)
* fees needed to cover retreat costs. You or registrar should verify current rate schedule with site manager.
3. Design registration form in consultation with registrar.
4. Registration form should include: (NOTE: check in advance on local hotel/motels & list one or two choices, with phone numbers and rate range, for those who prefer to stay "off site.")
* name, address and phone number of registrar.
* deadline for registration (and consequences of late registration: possibly rooms assigned "first choice to first-register")
* consequences for registration cancellation: i.e., $15 cancellation fee for cancellations received less than 10 days from date of retreat.
* conditions for scholarship aid (e.g., up to 50% of fee), deadline for applying for scholarship and who to call/write to make request.
* spaces for registering person to write in name, address and phone.
* space to write in preferred roommate (if registrar wants to assign rooms ahead of time.) An alternative system is to choose appropriate rooms for facilitators and child care staff, set aside space for mothers with children, and then have remaining participants choose their own rooms when they arrive: first come/first choice.
* space to write in special dietary, medical or physical needs. (NOTE: retreat notice should include any plans for vegetarian or other special menus. Be sure site can handle special dietary needs before offering that option.)
* cost of retreat, including:
* . to whom checks should be made payable. (Consult with Treasurer.)
* whether payment must be made in advance, or at retreat itself.
* differing rates for adults, children, infants (including specific ages)
* differing rates for on site rooms, own RV, tenting, "day only"
* whether registration fee covers all costs: e.g., any additional charges for workshop materials or snacks/wine, etc.
* opportunity to add extra money for scholarship aid for others.
* conditions for selling arts & crafts, or other items, at retreat. (See Appendix B: Sample Retreat Registration Form)
5. Prepare retreat brochure to be distributed with registration form. You can save money if you include the brochure in a newsletter mailing (i.e., W&R Womanspirit). If you are going to do this, you need to consult the newsletter editor about size of paper and format for folding. The brochure/newsletter announcement should include:
* a cover design/picture to reflect the theme
* a brief note about the theme
* a brief note about the facilitators.
* a general schedule of events, including "check-in" time and any pre-retreat activities available, such as use of pool, hiking, etc.
o NOTE: the more general your schedule, the better, because you will likely want to make changes as you work out the details of the program.
* address and phone of retreat site, driving directions and map.
* information about what to bring: linens, towels, musical instruments, etc.
* information about child care/youth camp arrangements.
* announcement to the effect that: "no perfume be worn at retreats and conferences due to allergic reactions among the participants."
* space for mailing label if the brochure is separately mailed rather than included in a newsletter.
1. Start fine-tuning your program of activities. If you have a co-facilitator, you may want to start by brainstorming together.
1. browse through several resource books
2. talk to facilitators of prior retreats and see if evaluations done by participants will give you helpful ideas.
3. think back to activities which seem to have gone well at other successful retreats you have attended.
4. you may want to add other persons to your planning/facilitation circle at this point, to generate more ideas or to lead/facilitate specific parts of the retreat.
2. Consider these suggestions:
* Assume that you will need to spend several sessions with your co-facilitator refining the program. It takes thinking time as well as talking time. Each time you go back to your plans, you will find things to change.
* Assume that everything at the retreat will take longer than you thought it would. Therefore, plan fully, but be ready to take things out when you have too much.
* Remember that retreats usually differ from conferences in the significant respect that a retreat is on one theme and offers everybody only one activity at a time. Conferences, though they also usually have some general theme, offer lots of workshops with more than one thing going on at once, so that participants make choices among options at certain times.
* People come to retreats expecting lots of "down" or free time. If you try to keep them at an activity too long, they grow weary. They may leave the activity or not show up for the next one. You may want to try to prevent this by having short activities and lots of breaks. Or you may want to convince yourself that it is fine if some people opt out of attending all the activities you provide. (Convincing yourself of this may be easier said than done!)
* Remember that people operate on different internal "time clocks." Think about ways to offer early morning programming (e.g., matins, yoga), as well as "into the night" programming. Consider how to honor needs of some to gather and drum/talk/dance late into the night, while others cherish truly quiet time.
* When you are planning activities, keep in mind that some people will be having reunions with old friends, and they will be totally at ease. Others will be new. They will know nobody or almost nobody. They need to be made to feel welcome and at ease.
* If the retreat begins on Friday evening, people will arrive at different times, some tired from driving, some frazzled from the work day they have just completed. Assume people's heads and hearts are in different places. They need an opening activity or ritual to get them to relax, focus, and get ready for whatever you plan to do.
* Most people who come to retreats are receptive to whatever you plan for them. You can expect them to be eager participants, but they need clear directions. Giving them too many options can end up in confusion.
* Whatever you plan, you need to be willing to revise to suit the needs of the group. Remember that it is THEIR retreat. If they get interested in talking about something or doing something, try not to cut them off or force them down a track where they aren't ready to go.
* It is good to have some things for the group to do together in one circle and some things for small groups — possibly with reporting back to the whole group. Remember that some people will be more comfortable about speaking up in a small group than in a large one. On the other hand, it works very well to have at least a couple of activities in which you go around the circle and have all participants speak, not only to introduce themselves but also to answer some question or finish out some sentence. Some people speak more easily when it is established that it is their turn and the subject is something that they are sure to know about. In open discussions, it is harder for those people to speak up, especially if there are some "eager talkers" in the group.
o Always respect the right of anyone to "pass" — to not speak.
o Keep in mind that going around the circle for each person to speak can take a long time if you have a lot of people.
* The people at your retreat will probably have lots of talents, some hidden and some not. You may want to provide opportunities for people to display their creativity, either in showing and selling their arts and crafts, or in performing or leading others in such activities as early morning birding, or yoga at the end of the day.
* If you need to have a business meeting scheduled at the retreat, try to have it at a time that does not interfere with the activities or mood of the retreat: possibly over breakfast, or announcements made at the beginning of the morning session, or right after the retreat is over. (Warning: people tend to want to leave at the end of an intense weekend, or have little energy left for important business.)
* Consider the power of ritual as a force for building community. Opening rituals bring the group together, helping to leave the rest of the world behind and focus on the retreat theme and space. Closing rituals cement and solidify, allowing participants to gain from the retreat experience, while releasing it to move back into their everyday life. (See Appendix E for resources on ritual.)
* Be cautious about use of incense and other highly aromatic materials in your rituals. These may create problems for those with allergies.
* Think about incorporating music into your retreat. If you can get someone to play the guitar and sing, or someone to beat a drum, that can be a fine way to bring people together. You may want to have a theme song, or theme chant, for the retreat and have the group sing it several times. Chants are generally easy to teach and lend themselves well to repetition. (See Appendix E for resources on chants.) Consider also setting aside "after-program" time in the evening for drumming and other informal musical experiences. And, be sure to invite participants to bring drums, rainsticks or other musical instruments.
3. Get other people who will be attending the retreat to take care of some things. This will lighten your load, and it will get more people actively involved.
* Someone(s) to bring light refreshments for the registration hour(s) and later (or next day)"happy hours." Keep in mind policies on and appropriateness of wine/spirits at different times in your program. Plan to have baskets for donations whenever refreshments are served. (See Appendix I for menu thoughts.)
* Someone to look out for shy people and make them feel at ease.
* Someone to line up talent for talent show if you are having one.
* Someone to help newcomers find their way around the facility, or to assist anyone with physical difficulty.
1. Gather any materials you will need, and make sure you keep receipts for all expenditures. (See Appendix H: Retreat/Conference Financial Statement) Retreat materials commonly include:
* pencils or pens and writing paper
* newsprint and marking pens, masking tape, scissors
* name tags or materials for participants to make name tags
* round table to use as center altar and interesting cloth to cover it
* candle
* sacred objects to put on altar
* copies of handouts, such as retreat activities schedule, readings or songsheets
* bell or other instrument to call people together
* materials for display, such as books, Women and Religion newsletters, UU Women's Federation membership brochures, etc.
* Make an hour-by-hour plan of activities, indicating exactly who is going to do what, when and where. Include any readings.
2. Make any posters, diagrams, or other visual aids you will use, including signs to welcome retreat participants and tell them where to "check-in."
3. Compose an evaluation for participants to complete at the end of the retreat. Keep in mind that the simpler the form, the more likely people are to fill it out. If you are truly curious about how participants react to some specific features of your retreat, then you will want to ask questions about those features directly. Otherwise, your form might just ask a few questions:
* What were your expectations for this retreat, and did it meet them?
* What did you like best about this retreat?
* What did you like least?
* If you were designing the next retreat, what would you like to see included? left out?
* Other comments?
4. Check with registrar on number of people expected so you have enough handouts, etc. Assume you will have a few late registrants and a couple of cancellations.
5. Have the registrar assign you and your co-facilitator a room together, with no one else in it.
1. You or registrar should check with site manager(s) to give number of participants expected and any other information needed.
2. Reconfirm that menu is as you wish. (See Appendix I for suggestions.)
3. Sit down with your co-facilitator and any others who have particular parts to play in the program. Make sure you go over everything about the retreat so everyone understands and everything is in order.
1. Try to get to the site a few hours early even if you don't think you have much to do there ahead of time. The idea is to prevent last-minute surprise problems and to be relaxed when participants start to arrive.
2. Ask the registrar to arrive early too. Welcoming and directional signs should be set up and the sign-in table ready before anyone else appears. Be prepared that some people may want to change their room assignments. Try to accommodate people who will have difficulty walking, or climbing steps, by assigning them bed space as close to the meeting space(s) as possible.
3. As soon as you arrive, check in with site manager(s) and find out if there are things you need to do or to announce to the group. (It's a nice touch to introduce site manager(s) to the group early in the retreat, for welcome and announcements. Sometimes site managers are interested in being part of various group activities.)
4. Check out your meeting space:
* Set up chairs as needed.
* Learn from site manager(s) where all light switches are and how to operate heating or air conditioning and PA systems.
5. Put up posters near registration table and one or two other spots with detailed time schedule, to supplement handouts. This will save you from answering the same questions many times over!
6. If your program involves other people taking parts, such as lighting candles in a ritual, or doing a reading, begin to line those people up as they arrive. If you are asking someone to read something, it is a special kindness to give them a copy to read over and become familiar with well in advance.
1. Give people a chance to introduce themselves. (Invite everyone to wear their name tags throughout.)
2. Thank the people who have helped with preparations behind the scenes. Introduce site manager(s) if appropriate.
3. Give people an idea of what to expect during the retreat, and assure them that they are free to opt out if they would rather nap or walk or do something solitary at a given time.
4. Explain about the importance of freedom to speak frankly, or to not speak — and about confidentiality.
5. Give people a chance to ask questions about plans for the retreat or whatever else they need to know.
6. Hand out participant list, with addresses and phone numbers of everyone present.*
* FLW & R policy: The participant list prepared at each event will indicate that: "This list is only for the personal, non-business use of each participant." (2-11-96)
1. Try to talk with as many participants individually as you can. Sit with different people at meals. Learn names. Listen. Above all, don't hang out with your co-facilitator exclusively or your own old friends. It's worth it to keep newcomers from thinking there is an in-group and they're not part of it.
2. When the whole group is meeting together in one circle, if possible, don't sit next to your co-facilitator. If the two of you have to talk loudly enough to hear each other across the room, you will be more sure everybody else can hear too.
3. When small groups are meeting, see if you and your co-facilitator can each be part of a separate group. Above all, try not to exclude yourselves from the group, or in any way give the impression that you are watching rather than participating.
4. Watch out for those who try to monopolize discussion. If you are leading the discussion, try to make sure everyone who wants to speak gets a chance. Avoid letting the discussion turn into a dialogue between you and someone who has responded to your comments.
5. Try to meet privately with your co-facilitator for a few minutes of "debriefing" after each session. Give each other support and suggestions. Consider what you have observed so far about the group. How is the pacing? What needs fine-tuning or adjusting?
1. Have a closing activity or ritual that will bring a sense of closure to the group.
2. Consider having this closing include a chance for participants to share something about what they have gotten from the retreat.
3. Encourage participants to complete the evaluation form before they leave.
4. See if someone will write an article about the retreat for your district's newsletter (Sunshine), for your W&R newsletter (Womanspirit), or for UUWF's newsletter (The Communicator).
5. Remember that you are responsible for checking out with the site manager(s). Make sure they are paid. Make sure you leave the place as you found it. (It's a nice touch to invite the site manager(s) and kitchen crew into your final gathering for a round of thanks.)
6. Give yourself a pat on the back. Give your co-facilitator, and everyone else in reach, a hug. You have just completed a big job and, hopefully, had a good time while your were at it.
1. Those who make special contributions, including site manager(s), will appreciate a note of thanks from you.
2. The treasurer will appreciate your turning in your expense list as soon as possible, though you may need to wait for phone bills to come to complete that list.
3. The people who facilitate the next retreat will appreciate it if you turn over to them any unused materials, anything useful you learned on the evaluation forms, and any changes/additions you made to this manual!
W&R foremother/implementer/activist Rosemary Matson turns 91 on September 20, 2008. Groups she has been active with, many for decades, include the United Nations, Humanists of America, UU Women & Religion, UU Women's Federation, UU Women's Heritage Society, Carmel Valley Women's Network and others. She has received numerous awards and honors throughout her life. If you are so inclined, cards may be sent to her... [Rosemary passed in 2014]