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Welcome! Here you will find information and activities related to the revised Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum and its use in Unitarian Universalist congregations and in other organizations. This site is a combined effort of Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion core group and various Cakes and W&R groups.

Dear Registrant,

This email is to confirm your registration for the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven Workshop at the First Unitarian Society in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Saturday, November 22 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending at approximately 4:00 p.m. The address is: 1342 N Astor Street, corner of Astor and Ogden (Ogden 1400 east).

Please respond to this email as soon as possible so that I know I am using the correct email address.

Should you need assistance getting directions while you are traveling, please contact Janet Nortrom on her cell phone – [local contact phone number].  The telephone number at the church is [phone].

For more information about this congregation use this website:

You are invited to bring a Goddess symbol and/or a symbol of peace to put on the altar.

Please bring the curriculum with you if you already own it.  You are also invited to bring other resource materials that you have in your library.

Purchased curriculum and music CDs will be available on-site for pick-up or available to buy on-site that day.

From the West: Off I-94, continue east on I-794 to the Van Buren exit. Follow Van Buren north to Ogden St. Turn right on Ogden and go three blocks east to Astor.
From North on I-43: Exit onto McKinley Ave and go east (left). Continue on McKinley to Dr. Martin Luther King Drive. (McKinley becomes Knapp St. at that point.) Continue on Knapp until it ends at Jefferson St. Go north (left) on Jefferson 1 block to Ogden. Go east (right) on Ogden to Astor.
From the South: Heading north to Milwaukee on I-43/I-94, continue onto I-43 northbound through the Marquette Interchange. Exit onto McKinley Blvd and go east (right). Continue on McKinley to Dr. Martin Luther King Drive. (McKinley becomes Knapp St. at that point.) Continue on Knapp until it ends at Jefferson St. Go north (left) on Jefferson 1 block to Ogden. Go east (right) on Ogden to Astor.
If you are not familiar with the area, and this map is not helpful, I would suggest that you use

The church doesn’t have a parking lot, so plan on using street parking. On weekends, parking is also available at the Lincoln Education Center parking lot located one block west of the church. The lot is immediately south of the Lincoln Education Center (a large red brick building) at the southwest corner of Ogden and Marshall Streets. (See area map, above).

In Faith and Sisterhood,

Diana DeWeese


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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