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Welcome! Here you will find information and activities related to the revised Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum and its use in Unitarian Universalist congregations and in other organizations. This site is a combined effort of Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion core group and various Cakes and W&R groups.

T3 Committee Chair (Co-chairs) – The T3 chair(s) will facilitate communication and planning within the committee. This includes arranging for meetings (or conference calls) and seeing that decisions are documented and communicated. She (they) will be familiar with all committee projects and will prompt and assist as needed to ensure timely completion.

Internet Weaver
- The internet weaver will setup a T3 specific emailing list to facilitate committee communication. She will establish an email address for the public to use to contact the T3 committee. She will become familiar with and promote the use of the UUWR Cakes blog ( ). If applicable, she will handle arrangements for the processing of online T3 registrations.

Treasurer – The treasurer will handle all funds for the T3 committee and maintain accurate accounting of income and expenses. If appropriate, she will open and maintain a checking account specific to the T3 project. 

Registrar – The registrar will maintain a list of participants enrolled in each T3 workshop, with their contact information, congregational affiliation and their workshop payment status. She will send enrollees confirmation of their enrollment including appropriate links or information, such as a map and directions or suggested items to bring. As enrollees request babysitting, the registrar will pass that information along to the local contact for that particular workshop. A few days prior to any given workshop, she will provide the lead facilitator with a roster of attendees for the workshop.  

Lead Facilitator – The lead facilitator has primary responsibility for the workshop session. She will coordinate with other facilitators to allocate who is responsible for presenting what. In general, the T3 workshop outline will be followed for each event. However, the lead facilitator may use discretion to expand or cut material, as needed. The number of participants at a given event will greatly influence whether there is time to expand material or if some discussions need to be kept to a minimum.

Facilitators – Facilitators will help the lead facilitator conduct the T3 workshop. They may present readings, the slide show, and/or facilitate one of the sessions from the curriculum. They will also share personal experiences, tips and tricks from previous presentations of Cakes as appropriate.

Music Coordinator – The music coordinator has primary responsibility for presenting the music utilized in the workshop. She will teach participants the words, tune and will lead the group in song. She will ensure that the Carol Eagleheart CD is present and that there is a way to play it. She may choose to bring in percussion or other musical instruments to share.

Local Contact
– The local contact should be a member of the hosting congregation. She will be responsible for coordinating building access, setup / cleanup, refreshments and arranging for babysitting. She should recruit additional assistance from the congregation as needed and will keep the office staff updated with appropriate contact and schedule information. The T3 committee will provide payment (or reimbursement) for all refreshments and babysitting. All T3 members present for the workshop should plan to assist with setup / cleanup. The local contact has the option to also participate as a facilitator, but is not required to do so.


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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