The Margaret Fuller Bicentennial (MFB) is an opportunity to celebrate and learn about an extraordinary woman and continue her global vision of equality and human rights.
The Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Committee is a grassroots group of scholars, representatives of historical sites, commissions, organizations, and Unitarian Universalist ministers and lay people.
We invite your organization to join us as a Community Partner.
Community Partners are encouraged to use the MFB logo and will be recognized on the MFB website and other in publicity about the Bicentennial.
As a Community Partner of the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial (MFB), you agree to do any or all of the following:
Please contact us via e-mail: info [at] uuwr.org
The Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Committee has included:
Rev. Dorothy Emerson, Co-Chair
Laurie James
Emily Shield
Rev. Rosemarie Smurzynski
Rev. Elizabeth B. Stevens
Lisa Paul Streitfeld
We invite you to become a sponsor of the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial, by making a donation at one of the following levels:
- ¨Visionaries ($1,000+)
- ¨Revolutionaries ($500-$999)
- ¨Scholars ($100-$499)
- ¨Conversationalists ($50-$99)
- ¨Friends ($25-$49)
You may donate via this website by clicking the "Donate Now" button on the home page. You may also mail donation checks payable to UU Women & Religion (please put MFB-NE on the memo line). Send to UU W&R, Patti Clark, Treasurer, 3224 Timmons Lane #165, Houston, TX 77027. Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion is a tax-exempt organization, so your donations are fully tax-deductible.
Unless you request otherwise, you will be listed as a sponsor on this web site.We'd like to thank the individuals and organizations that have so generously donated to the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Project. Our current sponsors include:
Friends ($25-$49):
Jane Argensinger, Carole Braverman, Sarah Burks, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Butts, Phyllis Cole, Helen Deese, Mary Jean Farmington, Cheryl Hassan, Dan McKanan, Janet Nortrum, Jacqueline O'Sullivan, Jessa Piaia, Melinda Ponder, Wendell Refior, Lee Riethmiller, Elizabeth B. Stevens, Helen Thayre, Dorothy Vetter, Herb Vetter, Dianne Weiss, Marla Welsford
Conversationalists ($50-$99):
Brigitte Bailey, Christina Bevilaqua, Donna Clifford, Claire Fitzmaurice, Patricia Manley, Cicely Sullivan
Scholars ($100-$499):
Victor Carpenter, Dorothy Emerson, Fritz Fleischmann, Jamaica Plain Historical Society, Joan Von Mehren, Timothy Richards, Jeffrey Steele, Peter Reilly, Jessica Lipnack, Judith Deutsch
Revolutionaries ($500-$999):
Unitarian Universalist Historical Society
Visionaries ($1,000+):
John Wiley & Sons
We are proud to work with the following Community Partners to celebrate the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial. Please follow the links to learn more about these organizations.
Cambridge Historical Commission
Cambridge Women's Heritage Project
Houghton Library, Harvard University
Jamaica Plain Historical Society
For more information on becoming a Community Partner, click here.