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As she promised at GA2023, Heather Gehron-Rice has sent us a whole packet of Joseph Priestley District newsletters. What I didn't realize when we first spoke about this was that the newsletters are a complete collection of Reaching Sideways:

UU foremother Rosemary Matson wrote in her Memoirs of UUW&R, "Sara Best, a lay woman in the Joseph Priestley District Women and Religion Committee, with the help of her friends, created a journal REACHING SIDEWAYS - A Continental Exchange of Views and Ideas chronicling the successes and failures of those trying to implement the Women and Religion Resolution. It was a voice when there were very few other voices in the denomination speaking for women and it proved to be the writing of our Women and Religion story as it was being lived. Sara Best produced her first issue in October 1981 and sent out her last issue on June 15, 1991. REACHING SIDEWAYS is sorely missed."

Well, it's BACK! We've scanned and restored a few issues so far. More to come when I have time. The originals will end up in Meadville-Lombard Theological School's HEResies Special Collection in Chicago! -- Gretchen

folder Reaching Sideways 1981-1991


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