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  1. Clear up all financial matters as promptly as possible.
  2. Give multitudinous thanks — in person, or in writing — or both
    • Thank everyone who came and participated.
    • Thank everyone who helped with preparation and presentation, including workshop leaders, food preparers, home hospitality hosts, etc., etc., etc.
  3. Thank the host society.
  4. Be generous with hugs — including yourself — for jobs well done and time well spent!
    WHEREAS, a principle of the Unitarian Universalist Association is to affirm, defend, and promote the supreme worth of every human personality, and the use of the democratic method in human relationships; and
    WHEREAS, great strides have been taken to affirm this principle within our denomination; and
    WHEREAS, some models of human relationships arising from religious myths, historical materials, and other teachings still create and perpetuate attitudes that cause women everywhere to be overlooked and undervalued; and
    WHEREAS, children, youth and adults internalize and act on these cultural models, thereby tending to limit their sense of self-worth and dignity;
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1977 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association calls upon all Unitarian Universalists to examine carefully their own religious beliefs and the extent to which these beliefs influence sex-role stereotypes within their own families; and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly urges the Board of Trustees of the Unitarian Universalist Association to encourage the Unitarian Universalist Association administrative officers and staff, the religious leaders within societies, the Unitarian Universalist theological schools, the directors of related organizations, and the planners of seminars and conferences, to make every effort to: (a) put traditional assumptions and language in perspective, and (b) avoid sexist assumptions and language in the future.
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly urges the President of the Unitarian Universalist Association to send copies of their resolution to other denominations examining sexism inherent in religious literature and institutions and to the International Association of Liberal Women and the IARF (International Association for Religious Freedom) and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly requests the Unitarian Universalist Association (a) to join with those who are encouraging others in the society to examine the relationship between religious and cultural attitudes toward women, and (b) to send a representative and resource materials to associations appropriate to furthering the above goals; and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the General Assembly requests the President of UUA to report annually on progress in implementing this resolution.

This Resolution was passed unanimously by the Unitarian Universalist Association at General Assembly 1977, Ithaca, NY




from uujax.org

Women Over 50 Group
Meets the 2nd & 4th Monday @6 pm

A monthly event to allow UUC Women and friends to socialize and get to know each other better, have a good meal and try different restaurants.
Generally we have a Northern county location one month and a Southern county location the next month. If you have a question or an idea, call Denise Seeber at (727) 474-2647, or call Martha Kowalski at (727) 656-9429

  1. How many workshops occur during the conference depends in part on the physical plant. If relatively few rooms, or only small ones, are available, it is possible to stagger workshops.
  2. It is important for people's comfort not to allow workshops to become over-crowded. One way to control the size is to make sign-up sheets with numbered lines for participants.
  3. If there are space limitations, it is possible to accommodate a popular workshop by offering it twice. (This also helps participants make fewer agonizing choices between interesting workshops which fall at the same time.)
  4. When planning workshops, it is good to offer a variety of options that will appeal to a diverse group, including thinking, feeling and artistic endeavors.
  5. Workshop leaders should be asked to turn in a form giving the title and a brief description of the workshop, a short autobiographical note, an indication of how they want their space set up (theater style, chairs in a circle, etc.), and equipment they need. (See Appendix J: Sample Workshop Information Form.)
  6. The conference program should include a biographical note on the workshop leaders as well as the title and short description of each workshop.
  7. Setting aside a space with refreshments, where participants can relax and get acquainted when they first arrive, can help to facilitate community-building.

Yoga - Join us for gentle Yoga and experience a peaceful session whereby you work to integrate yourself with the environment, the body, the mind, and the spirit. Michele Gilbert-Gregg will lead this early morning workshops on Saturday and Sunday to get you started on the day.

Nature Walk Meditation

The Chinsequt grounds have wonderful nature trails.

Immerse yourself in the Dao by moving thoughtfully through the woods. Notice the subtle changes that mark our Florida autumn season. Walk alone or with others, in early morning or after dinner.

Write First, Think Later -

 Several short exercises in getting words down with no worry about write or wrong.  We'll read and share.  A possible tool for combating writer's block. Lynn Montgomery will lead this workshop.

Community Art –

Mary Wickensheimer will teach you how to make your own reusable LED lights which can be used to illuminate balloons, paper lanterns, or other art and party projects.

Materials from this workshop will be used in the evening program.

Astrology -

Explore Chinese astrology with Leslie Rigg. Chinese astrology is based on 12 animals and 5 elements. We will also learn, in this system of divination, our outer, inner, and secret selves.

Art Memorial Piece

Join a group of women to laugh & share stories as we shore up the art memorial piece. Originally all the pieces were ironed on.  Unfortunately, many are coming off. Join us to add your personal stitches & send this work on to inspire other women to change their lives.  

The Villain-hitter –

This traditional spiritual guide will help you ward off negative influences and attract positive ones. More will be revealed about the role of this mysterious personage.

Fitness for the Not So Physically Fit Female

This is a series of full body exercises organized to be done in 20 minutes.  If you are a “couch potato” who has wanted to start exercising, then this is the class for you!  Emphasis is on basics with guidelines for more advanced exercises.  Participants will need a yoga mat to exercise on.

An Overview Of Domestic Violence

Our WomenSpirit group lost two beloved sisters (and two babies) as a result of domestic violence recently. Perhaps this workshop may help you understand why a woman gets into, stays or returns to a relationship that is emotionally,spiritually, verbally, and/or physically abusive. Or perhaps you (or someone you know) has been or is involved with "Prince(ess) Harming," and would like to have a better understanding of why and what to do.
Domestic Violence is a very big topic. I have listed some of the points below that I hope to be able to cover in the time allotted. I have worked with victims of domestic violence for many years. Many wonderful, valuable women I have met through this ministry are forever woven into my heart.

  • The bait used to hook her
  • The need to be needed
  • Fear as fuel
  • Denying/minimizing reality
  • Broken "danger" compass
  • Q&A topic: What can we do?


We may have other activities that didn’t make the press deadline.




You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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