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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

shirley ranck 2013GrandmotherGalaxy ShirleyRanckThe Grandmother Galaxy is one woman’s journey into three spirals of learning that have emerged and confront us in the 21st century--women’s creative spirituality, a growing appreciation of our earthly home, and a deepening respect for the varied cultures created by human beings. In each of these spirals the image of a fierce and powerful old woman arises as central to our journey.

The Reverend Dr. Shirley Ann Ranck brings both personal and professional insight to her work. Trained in education, psychology and ministry, she has drawn upon all these disciplines as well as her various personal lives as wife, mother, and single parent. She is well-known and loved for creating the ground-breaking female spiritual journey contained in the feminist thealogy curriculum and book, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven.

Introduction to the Study Guide

In the Foreword to The Grandmother Galaxy, Elizabeth Fisher asks “What is the shape of a life?”  She suggests that the book will tell you something about the shape of my life.  She’s right; it is a memoir, a recounting of my particular journey, both personal and professional.  If you read and discuss it, however, it may also become part of the shape of your life, your journey.  I suggest that you keep a journal and consider for each session some questions that may be useful to you in your way through The Grandmother Galaxy.

This study guide will introduce you to three large issues facing us in the 21st century, and a few ideas about what is needed for the future.  If you wish to discuss the book and the issues in more detail, additional sessions can be planned.  Allow time for introducing a chapter or a topic, for writing in your journals (it helps to focus on a few questions), and for discussing your responses.  Begin and end with the lighting and extinguishing of the chalice.

When people register for the class, ask them to buy the book, or provide copies by charging a fee for the course.  Gather a group of eight to twelve people and seat them in a circle with the leader or facilitator as part of the circle.  Place an easel with newsprint and marker near the leader.  In the center of the circle place a small table with a chalice and lighter or matches.  If you wish, add a cloth, a flower or other decorations to the table as appropriate for the particular sessions.  Provide each participant with a small notebook or journal and have pens available.  Have some light refreshments available each time during the break. Next: Session 1 – Your Journey

GrandmotherGalaxy ShirleyRanckThe Grandmother Galaxy is one woman’s journey into three spirals of learning that have emerged and confront us in the 21st century--women’s creative spirituality, a growing appreciation of our earthly home, and a deepening respect for the varied cultures created by human beings. In each of these spirals the image of a fierce and powerful old woman arises as central to our journey. The book also has a study guide.

13 In Stock

May 2006

*Listen to "Sophia Fahs and Me" by Rev.Dr. Shirley Ranck

April 2006

*Listen to "Augusta Chapin and Me" by Dr. Shirley Ranck
*Listen to "Amy, Jake and the Dilemma of Heinz" by Dr. Shirley Ranck
*Listen to April 16, 2006,  11a.m. Service Topic: "Do You Know A Phoenix"
Dr. Shirley Ranck
*Listen to April 9, 2006,  11a.m. Service Topic: "Diving Deep and Surfacing"
Dr. Shirley Ranck

March 2006

*Listen to Mar 26, Sermon topic "Celebration Sunday" byDr. Shirley Ranck (mp3)
*Listen to the March 5 Sermon "The Global Woman"   by Dr Shirley Ranck
*Read the text of the March 5  Readings and Sermon "The Global Woman"   by Dr Shirley Ranck

February 2006

*Listen to  February 19th Sermon How Unitarian Universalists Can Change the World by Rev Shirley Ranck (mp3)
 * February 5, 2006 Sermon "Brigid, Candlemas and Ground Hog's Day" by Rev Shirley Ranck (mp3)
*January 15, 2006 " The Dream and the Lie"    by Dr. Shirley A. Ranck (mp3)

January 2006

 *January 15, 2006 " The Dream and the Lie"    by Dr. Shirley A. Ranck text format
*Listen to the January 8 Sermon "The Free Mind and the Reluctant Radical" by Dr Shirley Ranck
*Read the January 8 Sermon "The Free Mind and the Reluctant Radical" by Dr Shirley Ranck

December 2005

*Listen to December 11 Service topic: "The Rainbow Connection" by Dr Shirley Ranck (mp3)
* December 4, 2005 "Treasures of Nag Hamadi" by Dr Shirley Ranck
Listen in mp3 format

November 2005

*November 6, 2005 "She Changes" by Rev. Dr Shirley Ranck listen in mp3 format

October 2005

* October 30, 2005 "The Necessary Angel" by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck Meditation (mp3) Sermon (mp3)
* October 9, 2005 "What Do Unitarian Universalists believe?" by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck (text format) 
Listen in mp3 format
* October 2, 2005 Broken Images and Practical Cats by Rev. Dr. Shirley Ranck
Listen in mp3 format
September 2004
September 12, 2004:  Walking Together by Rev. Dr.Shirley Ranck  



You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.
