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by Melinda Morris Perrin

A New Day Dawns is a series of daily meditative reflections incorporating mindful intention into everyday life. Natural Prayer turns the work of our hands into the play of our hearts, and our play into a spiritual practice. It is simple. It is easy. It deepens our experiences.

Through Natural Prayer we connect with the One and the work of our hands heals and comforts, becoming a blessing to the world. The reader is encouraged to write a few lines each day as a reflection, an intention, or to journal their thoughts and record the events of their lives.

The readings are inspirational, ripples and waves across the water, but veiled hidden meanings are layered among the rocks. Deeper still are the cloaked teachings that lead initiates into new revelations and understanding on the path to enlightenment.

ISBN: 978-0-9976108-0-2

1 In Stock

Reprint of a booklet produced in 1985 by the UUWF, "A Wider Horizon: UU Women with a Vision." You can read A Wider Horizon online or purchase one or multiple copies here.

From the Introduction:

Our Unitarian-Universalist heritage includes the contributions of many women of firm conviction and strong character. With determination and tact, these self-reliant women accomplished personal and social goals against all odds.


Poet and journalist Nan Lundeen gives voice to rural Iowa of the 1950s "where cornfields sang in summer/and winter howled at our throats."

"In these poems, Nan harvests the stories of the land and the people that she came from and both will forever live in her well-worked lines." - Glenis Redmond, Teaching Artist & Poet.

"'Black Dirt Days celebrates farm and family, childhood and church, and ultimately even 'good death.'

6 In Stock

A vibrant and empowering history that emphasizes the perspectives and stories of African American women to show how they are - and have always been - instrumental in shaping our country.

1 In Stock

There is a trust, precious and powerful that grows with daily practice. This daily reader will guide you through a full year of sacred experiencing, with 365 prayers and readings to support, nurture, encourage, and inspire you on your goddess-centered path.

Perfect as a daily reader for personal devotional practice or for use in groups for rituals, circles, and celebrations. Note: this book is the third in our Goddess Devotionals series, but it is *larger* than the prior volumes and is offered in a 5 x 8 size due to its page count and thickness.

3 In Stock


What are Womanrunes and why use them?

Womanrunes are a unique and powerful divination system that use simple, woman-identified symbols to connect deeply with your own inner wisdom as well as the flow of womanspirit knowledge that surrounds you. Used as a personal oracle,

they offer spiritual insight, understanding, and guidance as well as calls to action and discovery. Women who use them are amazed to discover how the symbols and interpretations reach out with exactly what you need in that moment.

Women’s experiences with Womanrunes are powerful, magical, inspirational, potent, and mystical. The wisdom within them can be drawn upon again and again, often uncovering new information, understanding, and truth with each reading. They amaze me every day! - Molly Remer, brigidsgrove.com

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Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, by Shirley Ranck, provides in book format the powerful lessons of the life-transforming curriculum by the same author. The book version, first published in the 90s, makes this material accessible for women today. It can be used by individuals or small groups to explore key issues women still struggle with today. LOOK INSIDE THE BOOK!

3 In Stock

New Directions in UU Ministry

By Dorothy May Emerson (Author), Anita Farber-Robertson (Author), Mary McKinnon Ganz (Contributor) Rebecca Ann Parker (Contributor), Kathleen R. Parker (Contributor)

This book offers thought-provoking perspectives on putting liberal religious values into action to address real problems in local communities and in the world. The story of these innovative ministries is intended to inspire change in thinking and practice.

New Edition of an Old Treasure!

"Reading this text is like receiving a heartening letter from Howard! We highly recommend its cutting edge insight, lyrical voice and refreshing inspiration." ~ Elizabeth and Bob Fisher, friends and fans of Howard's.

You can read The Fourth Wise Man online.

We have signed copies!

“Gaia exemplifies the earth as a living entity, which we must preserve and sustain for our children," says sculptor Dora Natella, whose work adorns the cover of Nan Lundeen’s cautionary collection of poems, Gaia’s Cry. As global warming accelerates, Nan asks what form Gaia will take during her grandson Elijah’s lifetime.

19 In Stock

This essential book of dramatic readings by Meg Bowman contains:

  • Goddesses, Witches & the Paradigm Shift
  • Celebrating Ourselves (International)
  • Four Famous Unitarian Universalist Women: Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Dorothea Dix, Margaret Fuller
  • Bella & Phyllis by Milton Loventhal and Jennifer McDowell
  • Three Admirable Women: Florence Nightingale, Frances Willard, and Jane Addams
  • Finding Our Foremothers: Emily Stowe, Frances Perkins Gilman, Frances Power Cobbe by Rev. Maureen Killoran
30 In Stock

The Grandmother Galaxy is one woman’s journey into three spirals of learning that have emerged and confront us in the 21st century--women’s creative spirituality, a growing appreciation of our earthly home, and a deepening respect for the varied cultures created by human beings. In each of these spirals the image of a fierce and powerful old woman arises as central to our journey. The study guide for the book is online at www.grandmothergalaxy.org

16 In Stock

You can buy print copies!

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Fact, Working Hypothesis, or Feminist Myth?
This is a compilation of panel presentations given at General Assembly 1992, edited by Dorothy Emerson. The panel and the publication were sponsored by the Feminism Section of Collegium, Association for Liberal Religious Studies, as part of its "Edge of the Wave" series, coordinated by Betty Hoskins. The 40 page booklet, in part a discussion of issues raised by Cakes for the Queen of Heaven, includes contributions by Carol Graywing, Shirley Ranck, Carol Hepokoski, Holly Horn, Christa Heiden Landon, Elizabeth Fisher, and Betty Hoskins.

10 In Stock

Meg said, "These Crone Rituals reflect my own response to insecurities about aging, and the realization that most women must come to terms with their own aging in an ageist and sexist culture that denigrates the reality of age." Available in original paperback while they last, or 2022 revised spiral-bound edition.

Meg Bowman, who passed in 2020, was a professor of Sociology, and a veteran peace, civil rights and feminist activist. Author of ten books, she has also published numerous books, essays, travel pieces, book reviews and collections of humorous flyers. Born in North Dakota in 1929, Meg lived near San Jose, CA for many years.

18-page Sneak Preview! (PDF)

Downloadable PDF also available.

19 In Stock
* edition:

Meg said, "These Crone Rituals reflect my own response to insecurities about aging, and the realization that most women must come to terms with their own aging in an ageist and sexist culture that denigrates the reality of age."

18-page Sneak Preview! (PDF)

Print version also available.


An illustrated self-guided trail guide

Margaret Fuller was an author, editor, journalist, educator, and women's rights advocate. Today, we consider her one of the guiding lights of the first wave of feminism in America.

She was the first editor of the Transcendentalist newspaper The Dial and the author of the landmark Woman in the Nineteenth Century.

24 In Stock

Nan Lundeen's powerful collection of thirty-eight poems introduces the reader to women who refuse to wear pantyhose, who rebuff the duty train, and who discover the magic of a redemptive red bra.

Her poetry celebrates the goddess in her many guises, the Earth swathed in its solstitial shrouds, and the power of a women's circle. It reclaims the Persephone-Demeter myth as two independent women and celebrates the “unafraid dark soul” on the longest night of the year.

7 In Stock


image.pngIf you order this along with other items, the book will be shipped when available at no extra charge. Books expected to be available in late 2024.

Edited by Meg Bowman and Diane Haywood Langford

We grow older each day, each moment. How precious the fragile strand of life! We grow wiser each year, each month. How good to feel that, at last, we are our own person!

25 In Stock

This small collection of readings is designed to raise consciousness, enhance feelings of Sisterhood, and encourage, inspire and promote feminist values. Use the readings to open and close meetings or just enjoy reading them yourself.

Meg Bowman, PhD, was a professor of Sociology at San Jose State University, and author and a lecturer. Connie Springer is a graphic design and production specialist. Both are veteran activist in the women's movement.

3 In Stock

Restoring Women to Ceremony - by Molly Remer

NOTE: This book is not meant to be sold/used independently. It is meant to accompany the Red Tent Initiation course offered online from Brigid's Grove. It is a collection of notes, outlines, ritual resources, readings, and more, meant to be used in conjunction with a training and not as a stand alone manual. Are you hungering for depth, connection, restoration, and renewal in a busy world? Are you yearning to reach out to other women in sisterhood and co-create a powerful Red Tent Circle experience? In this collection of essays and ritual resources, you will find four complete Red Tent “recipes,” circle leadership basics, moontime musings, and readings, quotes, and poems to help you facilitate a rich, inviting, welcoming, creative space for the women of your community.

Brigid's Grove (brigidsgrove.com)

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“Indigenous” refers not only to cultures and peoples, but also to a way of being. The indigenous way is the embodied ancient memory of how to be fully human, and it’s embodied in your soul, no matter who your ancestors are. Hidden deep and dormant within your indigenous soul is your identity and your life’s purpose, longing for you to remember them and put them into action.

Rev. Dr. Cathie Stivers is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, and a former pediatric hospital chaplain. She lives in Richmond, VA where she continues to minister, teach, write, and remember. Order the book at www.indigenoussoulrevival.com

3 In Stock

Perfect for March 8 International Women's Day or August 26 Women's Equality Day!

A Sunday service script/ritual developed by UU Women and Religion -- Developed by Nuala Carpenter, Laurie James, Doddie Stone, Geri Kennedy and Helen Popenoe. Written by Dorothy Emerson. Songs by Carolyn McDade. Printed version is $3. There are discounts when you buy 10+ copies.

Rosemary Matson at Revolution by Resolution service GA2007PERMISSION TO PERFORM CAROLYN'S SONGS: Permission letter Carolyn McDade

pdf Revolution by Resolution 2007 for e reader (PDF) (4.62 MB)
(no charge for download - we appreciate a donation)

Watch the video of the service at General Assembly 2007.

4 In Stock

Rosemary says in the introduction, "I remember reading that Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony felt an obligation to put the history of the suffrage movement into some kind of permanent form so that the story could be passed on to the next generation. They did not want the story of their struggles to be lost to history.

7 In Stock

Black Women's Ministries in Unitarian Universalism

Editor and scholar Qiyamah Rahman collects and explores the unique journeys of Black Unitarian Universalist clergywomen, celebrating their wisdom, resilience, and contributions within and beyond Unitarian Universalism.

4 In Stock

... the unfinished agenda of the 1960s

Sea Change is an intimate exploration of a young life lived on the edge of radical hope, change, and possibility in the 1960s in California.

It rekindles the spirit of the Summer of Love when anything was possible and idealism was the air we breathed. The health of our society continues to demand engagement with issues of social justice, cultural diversity, and environmental responsibility. This memoir is a call to action to succeeding generations to keep the dream alive. There is still much to be done. Written by beloved UU minister Rev. Dorothy May Emerson and published by Matrika Press.

Look inside the book

5 In Stock

Newly revised and updated, this book by Elizabeth Fisher outlines a Train-the-Trainer workshop which teaches the group facilitation process of the participatory Circle Model of Shared Leadership.

This book can aid you when facilitating a group and also make it possible for you to teach this method effectively so it can be put into practice quickly by others.

29 In Stock

Unitarian Universalist Women and Social Reform 1776-1936 Edited by Dorothy May Emerson
We still confront many of the same issues faced by our foremothers. By engaging with these women of the past, we hope to empower and inspire today's women and men to continue the work of creating a world of justice and peace for all. -- from the preface. Standing Before Us presents 160 years of women's work. Look inside the book

3 In Stock

a unique guide to writing that draws on science and meditative wisdom

‘Moo of Writing’ by Nan Lundeen is inspirational and should be on every writer’s bookshelf. The advice contained in it definitely works – exercise, relax, free-write –and creativity flows. I love the meditations and writing exercises. - Sue Johnson – poet, novelist, playwright & UK Writing Magazine Tutor


12 In Stock

We're working on scanning and republishing these. Please use the Donate button on the bottom of the page if you'd like to help with this project.

Meg Bowman - Courageous Women

Courageous Women -- Dramatic Readings on Feminist Issues,  Vol. VII

  • Eight Courageous 19th Century Women: Margaret Fuller; Julia Ward Howe, Mary Livermore, Susan B. Anthony, Olympia Brown, Elizabeth Cady Staton, Clara Barton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman.
  • Courageous Olympia Brown (1835-1926)
  • Courageous Margaret Sanger (1879-1966)
  • Courageous Wangari Maathai (Kenya)
    Short Skits, Poetry, Responsive Readings and Song Parodies. This is Meg's 12th book.          MB-CW currently in revision and available in 2024

Booklet originally published by Pacific Central District W&R, "The Water Ritual" by Carolyn McDade and Lucille Longview is the original worship service "Coming Home, Like Rivers to the Sea: A Women's Ritual," created for the November 1980 Women and Religion Continental Convocation of Unitarian Universalists in East Lansing, Michigan. Includes readings, lyrics and sheet music. You can also read the entire text ONLINE: The Water Ritual (without sheet music)

PERMISSION TO PERFORM CAROLYN'S SONGS:  Permission letter Carolyn McDade

182 In Stock

This is the downloadable version - a PDF readable on devices.

You can also read on this website.


The World is Your Oracle is an invitation to ancient and contemporary divination. You will learn techniques from around the world which suit each individual's intuitive style.

The World is Your Oracle will enable you to craft your own questions, delve into your inner wisdom, and find the answers you have been searching for. This innovative divination book presents multicultural techniques from around the world--both ancient and contemporary--designed for each individual's unique situation, desire, or intuitive style.

Author Nancy Vedder-Shults, Ph.D., presents you with all the information you will need to select the most effective technique for you based on what appeals to them in the moment; whether it be a technique that dovetails with your intuitive strength (kinesthetic, auditory, visual), or simply work your way through all the techniques for fun and self-awareness.

6 In Stock

A Practical, Penny-Wise Roadmap to Spellcasting -- Discover the secrets to practicing magick on a budget with this empowering guide. Featuring more than forty exercises, Thrifty Witchery shows that intuition, wisdom, and intention are more important to your magick than expensive trinkets. With these three skills, you can turn everything you touch into a magickal tool.

3 In Stock

by Melinda Morris Perrin

This book contains the thirteen tenets of the Peacemaker's message combined with thirteen Pilgrimage Messages arranged in the order of the Cycles of Truth along with instructions for setting up a study circle.

The Peacemaker is an eleventh-twelfth century historical figure who ended constant warfare between the nations of the Haudenosaunee and united them into a confederacy of nations, commonly called the Iroquois Confederacy. Under the guidance of this spiritual leader they buried implements of war under the roots of the White Pine, the tree of peace. His words contain wisdom much needed in today's world.

7 In Stock

By Melinda Morris Perrin.

Where Circles of Friends go to Experience Ancient Teachings

ISBN: 0-9-976108-1-6

There is power in friendship circles and experiential learning.  Whirling Rainbows is a guide to creating the lodge experience and to study the Seneca teachings of the Rainbow Wheel of Peace and the Cycles of Truth.  It is designed to companion Jamie Sams' book, The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers.

5 In Stock

Here's another gem we discovered in the UUWF archives.

A four-part course on Women in A Patriarchal Culture by Priscilla Baird Hinckley.

pdf Women in a patriarchal culture 1986 (6.18 MB)


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.
