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Our Mission

Unitarian Universalist Women & Religion is dedicated to freeing ourselves, others, and the Earth from traditional, historical, and contemporary oppressive and patriarchal systems. We continue to work together to implement the 1977 UUA Women & Religion Resolution, which calls us to examine and put aside sexist assumptions, attitudes, and language. We extend that work by learning anti-oppressive attitudes, languages, and behaviors.

Our Future

UU Women & Religion ...

CHALLENGES women, men, and children to affirm, defend, and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

PROGRESSES toward our goals, using shared leadership and consensus building.

WORKS to end patriarchal systems, which undermine achievement of a world of peace and justice with respect for every person and for the interdependent web of all existence.

ENCOURAGES each person's own path to spiritual growth

EMPOWERS all people to choose how to change unjust systems, as we walk together toward a new day.

UU Women & Religion is open to all people who embrace our mission. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US.



  • Information about activities, programs
  • Invitations to UUW&R meetings, events
  • Opportunities to change the system

Suggested annual donation: $25
Send this form (check payable to UUW&R) to:

Patti Clark, UUW&R Treasurer, 3224 Timmons Lane #165, Houston, TX 77027
Name ___________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City / State (Province) / Zip ________________________________________
Phone________________________ Email ______________________________
UU Society_______________________________________________________
UU District_______________________________________________________
Amount enclosed ___________


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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