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Women's Drumming Circle of South Bend Indiana drumming and chant CD

1. Naming Chant 1:22
2. Ancient Mother / Isis Astarte 3:26
3. I Am the River 2:05
4. Look to the Source 2:41

5 In Stock

Women's Drumming Circle of South Bend Indiana drumming and chant downloadable mp3s.


CD by Nancy Vedder-Shults, author of The World Is Your Oracle

LISTEN  1. Come Through the Arbor
LISTEN  2. Listen, Sisters, Listen
LISTEN  3. Amaterasu
LISTEN  4. Rise Up and Call Her Name
LISTEN  5. Om Tara

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Kimberly Dark's CD of stories. Personal, powerful, political - Dark's hilarious social analysis and exquisite storytelling explore the moments where the personal and the political collide. Check out the videos on her website: http://kimberlydark.com

2 In Stock

My Heart is Moved ~ . . .singing into the call and vision of the Earth Charter.
Carolyn McDade & Friends
2007 Carolyn McDade
Music that guides us through the narrows to a deeper understanding of who we are as planetary and cosmic beings.

73 In Stock

On the Threshold - keynote speech by Rev Shirley Ranck (2008). Download TEXT.

"Hecate. Do you know Her? She is old and wise and very powerful. Firmly She stirs the bubbling cauldron of life and death. She has been ignored and almost forgotten for many centuries. She has been ridiculed, called ugly and hideous and dangerous whenever She has appeared. She has certainly been defied. But today Her power is rising...


CD by Carole Etzler and Bren Chambers.
LISTEN Listen to samples of all tracks


Downloadable mp3s by Carole Etzler and Bren Chambers
LISTEN Listen to samples of all tracks


Musical resources for the Rise Up curriculum in downloadable mp3 format!

Speaker Icon  Listen to samples of all tracks


Songs to Celebrate the Goddess CD by Carole Etzler Eagleheart
Many of these are featured in Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum!
LISTEN  1. Spirit Call (2:10)
LISTEN  2. We Honor the Water (2:37)
LISTEN  3. Return (4:31)
LISTEN  4. Keep Walking in the Light (2:10)

10 In Stock

Downloadable mp3s of Songs to Celebrate the Goddess by Carole Etzler Eagleheart

She Calls to Us sound samples


Sheet Music from Songs to Celebrate the Goddess CD by Carole Etzler Eagleheart
The songs included in the CAKES curricula do have sheet music included so you don't need to buy this to teach Cakes.
She Calls to Us samples

8 In Stock

Carole Eagleheart's classic 1976 feminist album is available for the first time on CD exclusively through UUWR Store.

LISTEN  Sometimes I Wish sound samples

4 In Stock

Carole Eagleheart's classic 1976 feminist album is available for the first time as downloadable mp3s exclusively through UUWR Store.

LISTEN  Sometimes I Wish sound samples


Speak to the Earth
LISTEN  I Will Sleep Within Your Arms Again (from Thirteen Ships CD)
Cup of the Moon
LISTEN  Walk Gently In My Life (from Thirteen Ships CD)  LYRICS
Chant for Mother Earth
May Love Surround You
Some Day We May Walk

22 In Stock

Speak to the Earth
LISTEN  I Will Sleep Within Your Arms Again (from Thirteen Ships CD)
Cup of the Moon
LISTEN  Walk Gently In My Life (from Thirteen Ships CD)  LYRICS
Chant for Mother Earth
May Love Surround You
Some Day We May Walk


Take Up the Song
The Wheel Goes Round
LISTEN  Standing Before Us (from Thirteen Ships CD)  LYRICS
Some Day All Women Will Sing
Sometimes I Wish
LISTEN  Travel Light And Travel Easy (from Thirteen Ships CD) LYRICS

8 In Stock

Take Up the Song
The Wheel Goes Round
LISTEN  Standing Before Us (from Thirteen Ships CD)  LYRICS
Some Day All Women Will Sing
Sometimes I Wish
LISTEN  Travel Light And Travel Easy (from Thirteen Ships CD) LYRICS


CD by Carole Etzler Eagleheart and Bren Chambers

Video (1994) of Thirteen Ships from Lesbian Home Movie Project

LISTEN  A1 Lostwithiel 2:31
LISTEN  A2 Walk Gently In My Life 3:33  LYRICS
  A3 I Will Sleep Within Your Arms Again 3:28
LISTEN  A4 Women I Have Known And Loved 2:10
LISTEN  A5 Friends Like You 1:29
LISTEN  A6 We Are Standing Strong 3:50
LISTEN  A7 Thirteen Ships 3:33
LISTEN  B1 Standing Before Us 4:01  LYRICS

5 In Stock

Downloadable mp3s by Carole Etzler Eagleheart and Bren Chambers with booklet of some of the lyrics.

 Thirteen Ships sound samples


Widening Embrace ~ . . .music arising from the energies of earth
Carolyn McDade & Friends
2011 Carolyn McDade

Widening Embrace is Carolyn McDade's newest body of music - a year-long project of singing, meditation, reflection, and the arts. Sung by women from 9 regions of North America, each song arises from the energies of Creation, Earth, Universe, pulling us deep into the learning fields of forest, water, sky, stars.

69 In Stock

NEW! Carole Eagleheart's classic 1978 feminist album is available for the first time on CD.
LISTEN Womanriver sound samples

4 In Stock

Carole Eagleheart's classic 1978 feminist album is available for the first time on CD. Lyric booklet PDF included.
LISTEN Womanriver sound samples


Kimberly Dark's 2002 CD of powerful stories.

Check out the videos on her website: http://kimberlydark.com

2 In Stock

CD by Carole Etzler and Bren Chambers

Earth Lullaby (4:06)
Cradled in the Arms of the Goddess (3:53)
We Are One People (3:04)
Earth Shall Be Healed (3:23)
Southern Sisters (3:13)
Mist Rising (2:24)
Now Link Your Hands (2:07)
Ancient Mother (3:59)

15 In Stock

Downloadable mp3s by Carole Etzler and Bren Chambers - includes lyrics


Walk Gently in My Life
© Carole Etzler Eagleheart

Walk gently in my life, and I will find a way
To open up my heart and share my secret thoughts
And trust you with my deepest dreams.
Walk gently in my life and someday I'll no longer have to hide.
I'll open up my heart and let you touch the places deep inside.
Walk gently in my life.

This timeless song from Carole Eagleheart's Take Up the Song collection is a favorite at women's retreats and gatherings!

LISTEN  B1 Standing Before Us 4:01  LYRICS

Downloadable PDF cost is $5. Add 1 to your cart.
If you would like to copy for singing with a non-profit group, please also choose how many COPIES you will make at $1 per copy.


To copy for singing with a non-profit group, choose the number of COPIES you will make. The composer is asking $1.00 per copy.

758 In Stock


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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