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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson


February 26-28 SWUUW Conference in Lawton, OK
April 29-May 1 MidAmerica Regional Assembly in St. Paul, MN
June 3-5 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Princeton IL
June 22-26 UU General Assembly in Columbus, OH

October TBA UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI



March 6-8 SWUUW Conference in San Marcos, TX
April 17-19 MidAmerica Regional Assembly in Naperville, IL
June 5-7 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Princeton IL
June 24-28 UU General Assembly in Portland OR

October 9-11 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI



Feb 21-23 SW UU Women's Conference in Tulsa, OK
April 12 MidAmerica Regional Assembly in Bloomington, Indiana
June 6-8 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Princeton, IL
June 23-26 General Assembly in Providence RI - EXHIBIT BOOTH and OUR ANNUAL MEETING *
October 10-12 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI
December 11 Holiday Bazaar in South Bend, IN



February SW UU Women's Conference in Corpus Christi, TX

April Prairie Star District Annual Conference in Cedar Rapids, IA

October UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI



February SW UU Women's Conference in Clear Lake, TX

April Heartland District Assembly in Muncie, IN

April Central Midwest District Assembly in Waukesha, WI



February SW UU Women's Conference in Dallas, TX

April Heartland District Assembly in Ann Arbor, MI

April Central Midwest District Assembly

June UU General Assembly in Charlotte, NC



February CMwD W&R conference in Milwaukee, WI

April Heartland District Assembly in Muncie, IN

April Central Midwest District Assembly

June UU General Assembly in Minneapolis, MN

August CMwD W&R retreat in Watervliet, MI



February CMwD W&R conference in Peoria, IL

April Central Midwest District Assembly

June UU General Assembly in Salt Lake City, UT

August CMwD W&R retreat in Watervliet, MI



February CMwD W&R conference in Deerfield, IL

April Central Midwest District Assembly

June UU General Assembly in Ft. Lauderdale, FL



February CMwD W&R conference in Techny, IL

April Central Midwest District Assembly



June UU General Assembly in St. Louis, MO



You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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