UU Women's Gatherings
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Store Confirmation e-mail
Dear #name#,
Thank you for ordering from the UUW&R Store.
#city#, #state# #postalcode#
And now the details of your order:
Thank you so much for shopping with us! If you have any questions, please let us know right away.
UU Women and Religion
(877) 342-0850
GA 2019 Volunteers
Once again, UUWR will partner with UU Women's Federation to bring the UUWR Store, The Red Tent, and more to the GA Exhibit Hall.
We have room for one more volunteer! UUWF will pay up to $150 for 10 hours' work during the week. Hours could include help with setup on Tuesday, or take-down on Sunday afternoon. Email Gretchen if you are interested!
Specific tasks:
- Help set up and decorate The Red Tent
- Hang banners in back of booth
- Put tablecloths on tables
- Unpack and lay out books and CDs on tables
- Find creative ways to display other goodies like Goddess figurines and jewelry
- Staff the booth periodically throughout the GA
- Learn how to "ring up" purchases using PayPal card/chip swiper
- Help keep track of inventory
- Engage with people and guide them to appropriate information about UUWR, UUWF, the New Prophetic Sisterhood, and UU women's retreats around the continent
- Invite people to join UUWF for a donation of any amount
- Let people know about the Thursday UUWF breakfast and the Sermon Award winner
Exhibit Hall Hours
Tuesday, June 18 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 19 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 20 10:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday, June 21 10:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 22 10:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
*Sunday, June 23 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. *open to the public
Sunday, June 23 2:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Woman Links are a part of the UU Women and Religion movement, continentally (with a segment of us being from Canada, over by Maine). This is meaningful work that takes real commitment. If a separate women's group happens around this, that would be a wonderful support system for this Woman Link commitment but, not necessary. To communicate through existing groups can be a fine vehicle while looking for teachable moments to promote consensus process. Remember, our W&R movement has always been inclusive of men in such endeavors.
In addition to receiving a copy of the continental W&R movement tri-fold and the 4 times yearly WOMUUNWEB each Woman Link is asked to:
1. Put up a women's issues/events bulletin board (even in the main women's rest room for the congregation) to post all relevant mail that comes to the office.
2. Check the monthly JPD Packet (usually issued the first week each month) in each congregation's office, to glean out and copy all relevant news to spread.
3. Relay to Helen Popenoe any news for WOMUUNWEB, a continental newsletter for feminist men and women, coming from both your own congregation's "right relations activities" and the local community outside.
4. Spread relevant news for your congregation that you find in WOMUUNWEB
5. Attend (hopefully) the JPD W&R events to get to know the wider web. However, bringing together the web of women's groups within her own congregation would be enough as a goal.
In the UU spirit of love and complementarity,
Helen Popenoe
UUWR Exhibit Booth - past years
February 26-28 SWUUW Conference in Lawton, OK
April 29-May 1 MidAmerica Regional Assembly in St. Paul, MN
June 3-5 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Princeton IL
June 22-26 UU General Assembly in Columbus, OH
October TBA UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI
March 6-8 SWUUW Conference in San Marcos, TX
April 17-19 MidAmerica Regional Assembly in Naperville, IL
June 5-7 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Princeton IL
June 24-28 UU General Assembly in Portland OR
October 9-11 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI
Feb 21-23 SW UU Women's Conference in Tulsa, OK
April 12 MidAmerica Regional Assembly in Bloomington, Indiana
June 6-8 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Princeton, IL
June 23-26 General Assembly in Providence RI - EXHIBIT BOOTH and OUR ANNUAL MEETING *
October 10-12 UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI
December 11 Holiday Bazaar in South Bend, IN
February SW UU Women's Conference in Corpus Christi, TX
April Prairie Star District Annual Conference in Cedar Rapids, IA
October UU Women's Connection Retreat in Racine, WI
February SW UU Women's Conference in Clear Lake, TX
April Heartland District Assembly in Muncie, IN
April Central Midwest District Assembly in Waukesha, WI
February SW UU Women's Conference in Dallas, TX
April Heartland District Assembly in Ann Arbor, MI
April Central Midwest District Assembly
June UU General Assembly in Charlotte, NC
February CMwD W&R conference in Milwaukee, WI
April Heartland District Assembly in Muncie, IN
April Central Midwest District Assembly
June UU General Assembly in Minneapolis, MN
August CMwD W&R retreat in Watervliet, MI
February CMwD W&R conference in Peoria, IL
April Central Midwest District Assembly
June UU General Assembly in Salt Lake City, UT
August CMwD W&R retreat in Watervliet, MI
February CMwD W&R conference in Deerfield, IL
April Central Midwest District Assembly
June UU General Assembly in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
February CMwD W&R conference in Techny, IL
April Central Midwest District Assembly
June UU General Assembly in St. Louis, MO