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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

Lucile and RosemaryIn this 40th year since the adoption of the UU WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION, we are making a special effort to collect and archive our story.

Do you have photos of women who you remember for their contribution to the UU Women's movement?

Do you know women you could ask for photos, stories, or reflections that you could help send to us?

Please send digital copies of photos, stories, reflections to photos@uuwr.org.

If you know someone we should contact for their help in this project, please email Julia Harris at scotfiddle@aol.com with the contact information.

AND - watch for announcements of a special event at General Assembly!

photo: Lucile Longview and Rosemary Matson

Geri and GretchenGeneral Assembly this year held some high points: the statement of conscience on Reproductive Justice was approved. Read the DRAFT. Ware lecturer Dr. Cornell West railed against not only white supremacy but male supremacy. He challenged us all to Integrity, Honesty, Decency and Virtue. Watch the VIDEO to get a fuller sense of what he means. It was an electrifying speech. Newly fellowshipped ministers included a large contingent of young women. As someone already past middle-age, this gives me a boost of hope for the future, and also a grand curiosity. How will this new wave change our denomination -- and the world -- yet again? What wil be the shape of their ministry?

In closer focus, this year marked evidence of a closer relationship with our sister organization, the UU Women's Federation. They sponsored two excellent workshops at GA and gave an annual report to the UUA. With a herstory going back at least 150 years, UUWF is the oldest women's organization in our denomination. UUWF is conducting a SURVEY to hear what UU women prioritize in social justice work. We had side-by-side booths in the GA Exhibit Hall, and learned a lot about each other, sometimes "working" each others' booths. It was a good opportunity to explain to many people what the differences in emphasis are between our two groups. UUWF board members were very focused and got into a lot of one-on-one conversations with GA-goers.

20140629 141344 smallAt General Assembly 2014 you could find UUW&R in exhibit hall booth 114.

Many many thanks go out to the cadre of women who helped make GA2014 spectacular for UUW&R. I spent most of my time in the Store area talking with dozens of well-informed and committed UUs every day. Nancy Aurora Rogers and Kat Graham who organize a regular Red Tent Women's Gathering at the UU Church of Marlborough and Hudson Massachusetts, lovingly guided the sacred space that was The Red Tent. Hundreds of women spent time in the tent, by themselves or with whoever gathered at that moment. Most said there was a clear shift of energy upon passing its threshold, and one told me she could feel the energy from several yards away.

The Red Tent was not only a sacred space dedicated to women's spirit, it was breathtakingly gorgeous. My photos (more on Facebook) don't do it justice. Nancy's are better (her Facebook album). Dozens of people felt compelled to take their own pictures of it, whether they entered the space or not. It was, if not THE hit of a GA where many spectacular events come together, at least a very memorable visit for a large number of women. I think many got the ideas that we not only need sacred space of our own, we can create it ourselves. I hope many were inspired to create a similar experience in their communities. The Red Tent is only one of the many forms women's sacred space takes. How do you gather with your sisters?

uua ga2015 logoUUW&R will be in Portland, OR for the 2015 General Assembly. We'll have an exhibit booth, #218, right next door to the UU Women's Federation! What a great opportunity for some cross-pollination of ideas. Be sure to come and see us, and find out what these national UU women's organizations have to offer.

Unfortunately we won't have room for a Red Tent this year... booth prices went up substantially in 2015 for the larger spaces. We will have new items for sale: hand-knit scarves and shawls created and donated by a long-time W&R supporter. New this year: we won't have much inventory in the booth so we'll offer FREE SHIPPING to anyone ordering curricula, books or CDs at GA.

Both groups are looking for members and friends to help staff the booths during the week of GA, June 24-28. If you are going and are interested in volunteering for UUW&R, please contact Gretchen at 877-342-0850. or info@uuwr.org. For UUWF, contact Kirstie Lewis at uuwf@uuwf.org.

UUWF will present two workshops at GA (details will be announced soon). UUW&R is looking for a location to have an off-site gathering. Maybe a Red Tent evening??

Stay tuned!


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.
