Janet Nortrom, long time active member of First Unitarian Society in Milwaukee, was honored at the 41st Annual Awards Luncheon hosted by the Interfaith Conference of Greater Milwaukee. Janet received the Frank Zeidler Award for her tireless work on social justice issues, voter education, as an environmental advocate and for her service as an Interfaith cabinet member from the Southeastern Wisconsin Unitarian Universalist Congregations (SEWUUC).
Janet Nortrom is a Central Midwest District W&R WiseWoman and longtime UU Women's Federation member who also served on their national board.
Other award recipients included: Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee's Bay View area; Alliance School founder Tina Owen; and Express Yourself Milwaukee's first official Youth Mentor, Lamar Jude.
The main speaker was be the Rev. Jon Magnuson, ELCA, a highly respected environmentalist from northern Michigan who is director of the Cedar Tree Institute, co-founder of the interfaith EarthKeeper Initiative, and the ELCA Lutheran campus pastor at Northern Michigan University. They also honored Tonen O'Connor, who recently retired as resident priest of the Milwaukee Zen Center. Rev. Magnuson's presence is a reflection of the organization's growing commitment to help faith communities address the environmental and sustainability issues that are arising as some of the 21st Century's greatest challenges. He spoke on:
Challenges and Tactics for Faith Communities in the Crisis-Driven Environmental Awakening
Down-to-Earth insights from a maple syrup maker, writer and community organizer with 30 years experience working with interfaith communities, environmental organizations and Native American tribes. This ongoing emphasis will lead to Ground for Hope - Wisconsin, a regional environmental training event that the Interfaith Conference and their Interfaith Earth Network will hold next year on Oct. 21-22 in partnership with the national GreenFaith organization and several major co-sponsors. It is intended for clergy, seminarians (or their equivalents in various faiths), and lay leaders. Earlier this year, the Interfaith Earth Network became a formal program of the Interfaith Conference while maintaining close ties to Milwaukee's Urban Ecology Center.