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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

Who is discussing feminism and feminist thealogy among UUs today? Here are some examples we've found:

Sermon by Rev. Arthur G Severance at UU Stockton (CA) March 2012: http://stocktonuu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/3-4-2012-Women-and-Religion.pdf

Blog entry by Daniel Harper: http://danielharper.org/yauu/2012/03/women-and-organized-religion/

Article by Michelle Mueller: http://www.uucch.org/Websites/uucch1/Images/solstice2%5B1%5D.doc

UUA President Peter Morales April 2012: http://president.blogs.uua.org/liberal-religion/on-womens-rights/

Rev. Susan Manker-Seale 2003: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-2003/2003-Sun22-Sermon-Radical-Thea-ologies.pdf


on the War on Women 1997: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1997/1997-Sun09-Sermon-Power-Sexism-and-Thealogy.pdf

on Rev. Olympia Brown 1997: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1997/1997-Sun49-Sermon-Life-of-Rev-Olympia-Brown.pdf

on Earth and the Goddess 1998: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1998/1998-Sun46-Sermon-Earth-and-the-Goddess.pdf

on sexist language 1999: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1999/1999-Sun45-Sermon-When-God-Means-She.pdf



Barbara Gates on Margaret Fuller 2011: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-2011/2011-Sun08-Sermon-Margaret-Fuller.pdf

Rev. Joy Atkinson on Elizabeth Cady Stanton 2011: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-2011/2011-Sun46-Sermon-Woman-Suffrage.pdf

Rev Gail Seavey: http://www.firstuunashville.org/sermonblog/?p=8

Rev Kathleen C Rolenz 2005: http://www.wsuuc.org/sermons/05archives/SERDearGoddessMyth.htm

Rev. Roberta Finkelstein on the sixth source November 2012: http://www.uusociety.org/sermons?s=828

Rev. Cynthia Landrum: http://www.libertyuu.org/sermons/SophiaWisdom.mp3



Rev. Katie Stein Sather: http://www.beaconunitarian.org/sermons/ksather_beyond_feminist_theology.mp3

Rev. Joe Cherry quotes Rebecca Parker: http://www.stanuu.org/where_are_we_going.html

Rev. Joe Cherry on Wonder Woman: "It is deeper and less campy than you might expect."http://www.stanuu.org/wonder_woman.html
quote: [Wonder Woman is …] a hero that tells little girls and little boys that they have gifts … even if they don’t fly and can’t deflect bullets with their bracelets …”

Dr. Jeffrey Allen Nall: http://www.uucfm.org/sermons/sunday-july-29-2012-men-and-feminism-or-what-s-feminism-got-to-do-with-men

Denny Davidoff referring to UUWR and UUWF history in Moral Imagination: 50 Years of UU Social Justice at General Assembly 2011

Rev. Qiyamah Rahman on Healthy and Safe Congregations: http://www.uua.org/safe/handbook/culture/165728.shtml

Universalists and Feminists Saving Paradise by Joyce Beck: http://www.universalist-herald.net/1Reflect.html

Rev. Marilyn Sewell on feminist theology 1987: http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1291&dat=19870718&id=4-pYAAAAIBAJ&sjid=gI0DAAAAIBAJ&pg=6879,4972651

Rev. Roger Bertschausen on Feminist Theology 2005: http://www.fvuuf.org/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=92&Itemid=16838

Rev. Dorothy Emerson's sermon and Water Ceremony: http://uubillerica.org/fpc/sermons-mp3/No%20Place%20Like%20Home.pdf

Some more resources:


UU Theologians: http://www.uucollegium.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/UU-Theologians.pdf

paper by M L Joiner: Fresh Thoughts on Public Theology:The Discourse of Nineteenth-Century Unitarian Women

Rev Ann Peart on Forgotten Prophets - UU Women: http://www.unitarian.org.uk/docs/publications/1999_perspectives5.shtml

Rev. Thandeka: http://revthandeka.org/


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