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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

UUWF-logo-words-horizIn late summer of 2015, the UU Women's Federation (UUWF) invited UU women at GA and online to respond to nine survey questions. When asked which of the issues affecting women are most important to them, survey participants focused on economic and reproductive justice. Equal pay, abortion, and contraception were ranked the highest, followed closely by gender-based and domestic violence. Other issues that are front-of-mind currently include insurance, environment, and human rights. It is encouraging that the UUWF already has a broad focus on a wide range of issues that impact women and girls, and yet the survey also gives them scope for broadening their work.

Over 225 responses were received. They have summarized the results. The complete tabulation is also available. UUWF wishes to thank all those who participated.


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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