13 Most Influential People in Goddess Spirituality
Molly Remer's recent column on Theapoetics blog included mention of Rise Up's Liz Fisher and Cakes' Shirley Ranck on her top 13 list:
Brigit: Sun of Womanhood
A new Anthology edited by Patricia Monaghan and Michael McDermott.
Brigit: Sun of Womanhood offers a holistic picture of Brigit from her beginnings as a Celtic Goddess to her role as a Christian saint. The contributors to this anthology hail from all parts of the globe—including Ireland, Scotland, the United States and Canada—reflecting the widespread influence of Brigit. Readers will be transformed by this inspiring collection.
Recommended Reading
Recommended Reading: Losing my religion for equality…by Jimmy Carter
Feb 15, 2013: Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduces Bill to Create Department of Peacebuilding
Woman Shaman
A new video by Max Dashú explores the rich cultural record of medicine women, seers, oracles, healers, trance-dancers, shapeshifters, and dreamers, around the world. Her double dvd set on order at:
To experience the beauty, power and wisdom of these spiritual legacies is medicine for the spirit. Trailer includes the music of Suzanne Teng, Emmalee Crane, and Tiokasin Ghosthorse; scores of other musicians are featured on the dvd, including archival world music from Smithsonian Folkways. See link above for music credits, chapter listings, and more info.
A Collection of Sermons, Blogs and other rants
Who is discussing feminism and feminist thealogy among UUs today? Here are some examples we've found:
Sermon by Rev. Arthur G Severance at UU Stockton (CA) March 2012: http://stocktonuu.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/3-4-2012-Women-and-Religion.pdf
Blog entry by Daniel Harper: http://danielharper.org/yauu/2012/03/women-and-organized-religion/
Article by Michelle Mueller: http://www.uucch.org/Websites/uucch1/Images/solstice2%5B1%5D.doc
UUA President Peter Morales April 2012: http://president.blogs.uua.org/liberal-religion/on-womens-rights/
Rev. Susan Manker-Seale 2003: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-2003/2003-Sun22-Sermon-Radical-Thea-ologies.pdf
on the War on Women 1997: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1997/1997-Sun09-Sermon-Power-Sexism-and-Thealogy.pdf
on Rev. Olympia Brown 1997: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1997/1997-Sun49-Sermon-Life-of-Rev-Olympia-Brown.pdf
on Earth and the Goddess 1998: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1998/1998-Sun46-Sermon-Earth-and-the-Goddess.pdf
on sexist language 1999: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-1999/1999-Sun45-Sermon-When-God-Means-She.pdf
Barbara Gates on Margaret Fuller 2011: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-2011/2011-Sun08-Sermon-Margaret-Fuller.pdf
Rev. Joy Atkinson on Elizabeth Cady Stanton 2011: http://www.mountainvistauu.com/sermon-archive/sermons-2011/2011-Sun46-Sermon-Woman-Suffrage.pdf
Rev Gail Seavey: http://www.firstuunashville.org/sermonblog/?p=8
Rev Kathleen C Rolenz 2005: http://www.wsuuc.org/sermons/05archives/SERDearGoddessMyth.htm
Rev. Roberta Finkelstein on the sixth source November 2012: http://www.uusociety.org/sermons?s=828
Rev. Cynthia Landrum: http://www.libertyuu.org/sermons/SophiaWisdom.mp3
Rev. Katie Stein Sather: http://www.beaconunitarian.org/sermons/ksather_beyond_feminist_theology.mp3
Rev. Joe Cherry quotes Rebecca Parker: http://www.stanuu.org/where_are_we_going.html
Rev. Joe Cherry on Wonder Woman: "It is deeper and less campy than you might expect."http://www.stanuu.org/wonder_woman.html
quote: [Wonder Woman is …] a hero that tells little girls and little boys that they have gifts … even if they don’t fly and can’t deflect bullets with their bracelets …”
Dr. Jeffrey Allen Nall: http://www.uucfm.org/sermons/sunday-july-29-2012-men-and-feminism-or-what-s-feminism-got-to-do-with-men
Denny Davidoff referring to UUWR and UUWF history in Moral Imagination: 50 Years of UU Social Justice at General Assembly 2011
Rev. Qiyamah Rahman on Healthy and Safe Congregations: http://www.uua.org/safe/handbook/culture/165728.shtml
Universalists and Feminists Saving Paradise by Joyce Beck: http://www.universalist-herald.net/1Reflect.html
Rev. Marilyn Sewell on feminist theology 1987: http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1291&dat=19870718&id=4-pYAAAAIBAJ&sjid=gI0DAAAAIBAJ&pg=6879,4972651
Rev. Roger Bertschausen on Feminist Theology 2005: http://www.fvuuf.org/index2.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&gid=92&Itemid=16838
Rev. Dorothy Emerson's sermon and Water Ceremony: http://uubillerica.org/fpc/sermons-mp3/No%20Place%20Like%20Home.pdf
Some more resources:
UU Theologians: http://www.uucollegium.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/UU-Theologians.pdf
paper by M L Joiner: Fresh Thoughts on Public Theology:The Discourse of Nineteenth-Century Unitarian Women
Rev Ann Peart on Forgotten Prophets - UU Women: http://www.unitarian.org.uk/docs/publications/1999_perspectives5.shtml
Rev. Thandeka: http://revthandeka.org/
2013 Brigit Award
The Association for the Study of Women in Mythology (ASWM) is honored to offer the 2013 Brigit Award for Excellence in the Arts to Lydia Ruyle. Lydia is an artist scholar emeritus of the Visual Arts faculty, University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Colorado, where The Lydia Ruyle Room for Women Artists was dedicated in 2010. In April 2013, the University presented Lydia with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Few artists can claim to have profoundly expanded and improved contemporary images of women. Lydia is beloved around the globe for her stunning presentation of multicultural goddesses and symbols of divinity. Her Goddess Icon Banner Project began in 1995 with 18 banners created for exhibit in Ephesus, and has grown to include representations of over 150 goddesses. The Brigit Award recognizes not only this great body of work but also Lydia’s dedicated scholarship in researching these diverse, inspiring images.
Women and Mythology - Call for Papers
Lady of Ten Thousand Lakes: Finding Wisdom in Places
Call for Papers
The Association for the Study of Women and Mythology Biennial Symposium
St. Paul, MN, April 20, 2013
Much of mythology is grounded in place. Suggested topics for this symposium might include, but are not limited to, the following: