Herstory - District and Regional
Florida District Women
are invited to join together in retreat
March 15-17 2013
Annual Florida District Women’s Retreat, DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center, Ellenton, FL
DaySpring, located conveniently off I-75, offers a wooded setting on a cove of the Manatee River. Bring UU women together in a setting which provides opportunities for conversation, sharing herstories, laughter and music, add nature trails, rocking chairs on screened porches, bicycles, a campfire, drumming, more laughter and conversation and you create a memorable experience! We gather together to create and enhance our connections to one another. We will also enjoy good food. Special dietary concerns can be met with prior notification.
Important Things to Remember:
- We will be renting inexpensive folding chairs for outdoor seating under the tent/canopy. If you would be more comfortable bringing your own outdoor chair for whatever reason, please do so. Remember to put your name and number on it, just in case...
- Item(s) for outdoor altar. (please mark them discreetly with your name)
- An anecdote about a favorite ancestor to share at the campfire.
- Any kind of noise-maker for the opening ritual. Drums and instruments for our fire pit celebration.
- Books to donate to our book sale (proceeds go towards W&R scholarships)
- Snacks, fruit, cheese, drinks to share in the Social Hour Friday or Saturday afternoon .
- You may want to bring a flashlight. Favorite drinking mug. Extra beverages for your cabin (refrigerator available).
- Basic comfort clothes (shorts, slacks, walking shoes, P.J.s, sweater), sunscreen. Insect repellant may be important to you, since we are meeting outside in the evening. NO PERFUMES PLEASE!
- “goddess clothes” (loose, swirly, colorful outfit suitable for dancing, comfortable for outdoor wear) for Saturday evening.
- Money to spend at the artisans’ bazaar, at the W&R used book sale and for refreshment/snack donations.
- A mat or a towel for yoga.
- Binoculars or camera for nature walking.
- You don’t need to bring: sheets or towels
Yoga - Join us for gentle Yoga and experience a peaceful session whereby you work to integrate yourself with the environment, the body, the mind, and the spirit. Michele Gilbert-Gregg will lead this early morning workshops on Saturday and Sunday to get you started on the day.
Nature Walk Meditation
The Chinsequt grounds have wonderful nature trails.
Immerse yourself in the Dao by moving thoughtfully through the woods. Notice the subtle changes that mark our Florida autumn season. Walk alone or with others, in early morning or after dinner.
Write First, Think Later -
Several short exercises in getting words down with no worry about write or wrong. We'll read and share. A possible tool for combating writer's block. Lynn Montgomery will lead this workshop.
Community Art –
Mary Wickensheimer will teach you how to make your own reusable LED lights which can be used to illuminate balloons, paper lanterns, or other art and party projects.
Materials from this workshop will be used in the evening program.
Astrology -
Explore Chinese astrology with Leslie Rigg. Chinese astrology is based on 12 animals and 5 elements. We will also learn, in this system of divination, our outer, inner, and secret selves.
Art Memorial Piece
Join a group of women to laugh & share stories as we shore up the art memorial piece. Originally all the pieces were ironed on. Unfortunately, many are coming off. Join us to add your personal stitches & send this work on to inspire other women to change their lives.
The Villain-hitter –
This traditional spiritual guide will help you ward off negative influences and attract positive ones. More will be revealed about the role of this mysterious personage.
Fitness for the Not So Physically Fit Female
This is a series of full body exercises organized to be done in 20 minutes. If you are a “couch potato” who has wanted to start exercising, then this is the class for you! Emphasis is on basics with guidelines for more advanced exercises. Participants will need a yoga mat to exercise on.
An Overview Of Domestic Violence
Our WomenSpirit group lost two beloved sisters (and two babies) as a result of domestic violence recently. Perhaps this workshop may help you understand why a woman gets into, stays or returns to a relationship that is emotionally,spiritually, verbally, and/or physically abusive. Or perhaps you (or someone you know) has been or is involved with "Prince(ess) Harming," and would like to have a better understanding of why and what to do.
Domestic Violence is a very big topic. I have listed some of the points below that I hope to be able to cover in the time allotted. I have worked with victims of domestic violence for many years. Many wonderful, valuable women I have met through this ministry are forever woven into my heart.
- The bait used to hook her
- The need to be needed
- Fear as fuel
- Denying/minimizing reality
- Broken "danger" compass
- Q&A topic: What can we do?
We may have other activities that didn’t make the press deadline.