Quoting an article from TampaBay.com: "The University of South Florida, which leases the 160-year-old house north of Brooksville and runs it as a conference center, will shut it down July 1. The facility loses about $100,000 a year, said spokeswoman Lara Wade, "and we can no longer afford to subsidize it.'' That means no more retreats or weddings, no more jobs for the Manor House's five employees, and, most importantly, an uncertain future for what may be the county's most historically significant and scenic property."
What this means to us is that we currently have no place to host this fall's retreat. Those of you who may know of a suitable site, please contact Michelle Gilberrt-Gregg by email: mmgyoga2go at yahoo.com
Michelle has been working on a retreat for October 9 - 11, 2009, to be titled
Peace through Yoga.
Using the science of Yoga to create Peace within & share it with others.
Explore the 8 limbs of Yoga; including chanting, meditation, and breathwork & much more.
Enjoy the cuisine and culture of India, the land of Yoga's origin.
Save the date and plan to Breathe!
There are some facilities that may be available, but that could involve more rustic facilities, or greater expense, or reduced privacy. If you are interested in attending a UUWR retreat this fall, please let Michelle know your thoughts on this.
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