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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.

Here's a great Internship opportunity with the UUA Department of Advocacy and Witness. They are seeking a Legislative Assistant for Women's Issues, to assist the Washington, DC office in affecting public policy made by the US Congress and Administration, with a focus on gender and sexual justice. Get the details at http://www.uua.org/aboutus/careeropportunities/socialjustice/index.shtml

Applications must be received by noon EST on Monday, November 17th, 2009. That's this coming Monday!

Margaret FullerThe Margaret Fuller Bicentennial Project was organized to celebrate Margaret Fuller’s life, work, and legacy during the Bicentennial anniversary of her birth in 2010. Components of the project includes: website, online community, traveling exhibit, publications, tours, and public programs in the Boston area and New York City. This website will be created to be a resource to the interested public, a communication tool for individuals and organizations participating in the Bicentennial project, and a central bulletin board for planning programs and posting event details.

Margaret Fuller (1810-1850) was born into a Boston-area Unitarian family. She was the only woman regularly welcomed on a long-term basis into the inner-circle of ministers and others led by Ralph Waldo Emerson in breaking away from the old forms of Unitarianism and establishing Transcendentalism. Fuller’s book Woman in the Nineteenth Century, one of the first written about women analyzing their role in society from a woman’s perspective, is permeated with the Transcendentalist values of independence, self-reliance, and social reform. What Emerson was doing for men, Fuller was doing for women.

Many scholars view Fuller as the most brilliant woman in America in the early 19th century.

Joseph Priestley District has updated their website too. We're looking forward to a report and photos from their October 2008 retreat.


We finally upgraded our online calendar! Now you can add your women's gatherings and events and flag them for your District. Go to www.uuwr.org, click CALENDAR and ADD EVENT. The UUWR Moderator will review your event before it goes live. The 5 latest events will be listed on our main page on the right side. Now there is ONE PLACE for all U*U women's events to be listed!

Florida District Webweaver, Mary, has unveiled their new website. Wow! There are sections for regional news, an events calendar... go and see! http://www.floridawomenandreligion.org.

Florida Women and Religion

Northeast District has a lovely blog at http://uuwomenandreligion.blogspot.com/

Northeast UU Women

"Dressing Up" for Dinner 

Our February Convocation Calls All U*U Women and Friends Worldwide to Improve Women’s Situation in Order to Get Rid of Poverty’s Curses!
Read more about the UN Millennium Goals -- download this PDF document.

End Poverty 2015UN Millenium Goals

Goal 1Goal 2Goal 3Goal 4Goal 5Goal 6Goal 7Goal 8




If you have any questions, please contact UU Women and Religion, info@uuwr.org.

Main resources from the UUA: www.uua.org/reproductive

The latest news from UU Women and Religion


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.
