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Welcome! The Women and Religion Movement is alive and well in the 21st Century. A grassroots project started by lay leaders in the 1970s as an effort to promote examination of religious roots of sexism and patriarchy within the UUA and beyond, UU Women and Religion officially began as a task force following the unanimously-passed WOMEN AND RELIGION RESOLUTION at the 1977 UUA General Assembly. Although the Task Force was eventually sunsetted, the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women. It exists at the UU General Assembly, where UUW&R brings our Store to the Exhibit Hall and occasionally hosts a gathering. And it lives in the hearts and lives of people who have been touched by the many changes inspired by this movement.

"We do not want a piece of the pie. It is still a patriarchal pie. We want to change the recipe!" -- Rosemary Matson

Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.

Is your UU women's group having discussions about inclusivity and what it means to your group? The national/continental UUW&R doesn't set policy for other groups. There is one surviving original district W&R task force group, the Women and Religion Pacific Central District. All the other groups either dissolved over the years (especially after being defunded by the UUA) or morphed into other free-standing organizations.

We've put together some links to words that other groups are using. Your group may want to discuss and come to some kind of consensus on the policy for your gatherings. In the case of congregational UU women's groups, it may be wise to follow the guidelines set by the congregation if there are any.

I pulled all of this off various organization websites. Let us know if you have more to add! My comments are in italics. -- Gretchen


Continental UU Women and Religion

  • ... the movement still exists in UU communities that hold Women & Religion programs and gatherings for those who identify as women.
  • UU Women & Religion is open to all people who embrace our mission.
  • Any person is eligible for membership in UUW&R who is in general accord with the above-stated purpose and who supports the work of the group.
  • Generally when we have a Red Tent in the Exhibit Hall at GA, we post a sign saying it's open to all who identify as women. We are currently in discussions about whether to host that again in 2025 and what inclusiveness means in this context.

Women and Religion PCD (Western U.S.)

  • About Us : Our group is for all women, but especially those living within the Pacific Central region corresponding to the Pacific Central District of the Unitarian Universalist Association. We are an independent organization not affiliated with UUA PCD.

SW UU Women (SouthWest U.S.)

  • SWUUW aligns itself with the spirit of Welcoming Congregations as depicted by the UUA. All who identify as women are welcome.  Our definition of “women” is expansive and includes anyone who feels that they belong in this space, including those who identify as nonbinary.

UU Women's Connection (MidWest U.S.)

  • All those who identify as women are welcome!

UU Womenspirit (Southeast U.S.)

  • All women are welcome at UUWomenspirit, regardless of sex assigned at birth.  Here, we believe and affirm that transgender women are women.  While we recognize that we are still learning and growing, we aim to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all women who wish to celebrate the Feminine Divine.

SisterSoUUrce (International)

  • After years of research about Black UU women, mostly historic personalities, we recognized the even greater marginalization of girls and those who identify as womxn, LGBTQIA+ and non-binary. Our intent is to create with this website a more inclusive community. Here, we amplify our voices and our stories. Here, we make room for an inclusive range of folks to more fully identify and claim the richness of our lives as Black UUs with pride and intentionality.

International Convocation of UU Women (International)

  • ICUUW advances equity for women and girls worldwide through leadership development, empowerment and awareness programs, advocacy, and resources.
  • Led by Unitarian*Universalist women from around the world, its members include Unitarian*Universalists and other people of liberal religious faith.
  • Membership is open to any person at least 18 years of age.
  • I know that at their recent Convocation in Cluj Romania, men were welcome and several attended. There are often one or two attending regular online gatherings.

UU Women's Federation

  • Membership is open to women and gender-expansive people, but all genders are welcome to support our work through financial support and participation in our all-gender programming.
  • The UUWF builds covenantal relationships amongst UU women that equip us all to be better co-conspirators and allies in the movement for collective liberation.

Canadian UU Women

  • a)  Individual members are members of a Unitarian or Universalist congregation or fellowship who are in good standing and have paid an annual fee, the amount to be fixed by the National Council and ratified by the members at the Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting.
  • They hold women's retreats occasionally but I don't find specific wording as to who is welcome. Vancouver Island Women’s Gathering – Canadian UU Women's Association

Eliot Women's Weekend (St. Louis area)

  • This retreat is open to all UU women and friends

Association of Universalist Women (Minneapolis area)

  • Open to women, no definition.

UBarU Women-Aligned Retreat

  • UU women-aligned folks

Ferry Beach Camp In the Company of Women weekend

  • However you identify your sexual orientation (Gay, Bi, Lesbian, or Straight…), no matter whom you love, you are welcome here.

UUWR and Giving Tuesday

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and their world. This is the first time UUWR has participated in GivingTuesday.

Many thanks to a handful of donors who contributed $160 total. With the match, we now have $320.

Spring Equinox newsletter online.

2023 Imbolc newsletter online or download a PDF: 2023 02 22 UUWR newsletter Imbolc (532 KB) .

You can subscribe below.

At long last we've re-started a regular newsletter! We hope you find useful resources in it.

You can subscribe below.


heresies mlThanks to the efforts of our Continental UUW&R core group, district W&R groups who contributed materials, and Meadville-Lombard Theological School, UUW&R historical documents are now digitized and available to read online!

District W&R Task Force newsletters are available, as well as Central MidWest District W&R's creative journal, Sophia.

As part of Meadville-Lombard's Heresies Special Collection, the physical documents are available in their library in Chicago.

Do you have W&R materials stashed away somewhere? UUW&R would love to have them. Contact Gretchen to make arrangements.


The latest news from UU Women and Religion


If you have any questions, please contact UU Women and Religion, info@uuwr.org.

Main resources from the UUA: www.uua.org/reproductive


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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