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Northern New England Women and Religion has announced the Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont UU Women’s Spring 2009 Retreat, will take place the weekend of May 29-31, at Rockraft Retreat Center in beautiful Sebago Lake, Maine. http://uuwomenandreligion.blogspot.com

St. Lawrence District: Jody Brown says: I am so excited to have been part of the ICUUW that I want to continue the process by holding a women's conference in the St. Lawrence District, my home district. I'm looking for people to help me plan it. My email address is: jfb523@gmail.com. Please help!

Joseph Priestley District W&R
has a great article called "Finding God/dess in Autism," A sermon delivered by Heather Gehron-Rice, M Div, at the UU Church of Delaware County. Their Fall Retreat dates have been announced! (See CALENDAR). www.jpdwr.org.
Heartland District's Rev. Doddie Stone of Terre Haute will be presenting a workshop at their Annual Assembly the weekend of April 4, and the Continental UUW&R will have an exhibit table -- looking for women who are interested in forming a W&R committee in Heartland.

Central Midwest District W&R
has announced their February 2010 Retreat in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will feature keynote speaker Margot Adler. www.womenandreligion.org. They just completed their 2009 Winter Retreat in Peoria Illinois with keynote singer Shelley Graff (www.shelleyg.com), who also presented a workshop at the International Convo the next weekend. CMwD W&R will also be presenting two workshops at the District Annual Assembly in April, "Co-Ed Cakes (for the Queen of Heaven): Can It Be Done?" and "Shared Leadership," based on a book by Elizabeth Fisher and Pacific Central District W&R.

Central Midwest District UU Women's Connection (formerly CMwD UUWF) have announced speakers and themes for their Spring retreat at Pilgrim Park, Illinois, and their Fall Retreat at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. (See CALENDAR) www.uuwomensconnection.org.

Also in CMwD, Women's Drumming Circle of First Unitarian Church South Bend, Indiana has disbanded. A closing ritual will be held April 4. www.drummingwomen.org.

Emma's Revolution
is appearing in concert at Eliot Chapel in Kirkwood Missouri on April 4th. http://www.eliotchapel.org/docs/emma%20poster_web.pdf. That all came about through connections made at the Convo.

Florida W&R is planning a Fall Retreat! Michelle Gilbert has agreed to spearhead the planning for a retreat in the Fall of 2009.  Those of you who would like to offer workshops or otherwise help in this venture can contact Michelle by email at mmgyoga2go at yahoo.com.  St. Petersburg just held a presentation by Sally Roesch Wagner, Ph. D., “Meet Matilda Joslyn Gage.” Herstory of their past retreats is also online. http://www.floridawomenandreligion.org.

The W&R Chapter of the Pacific Central District
held its annual retreat, Generations of Women: Past, Present, Future, March 6-8, at beautiful Enchanted Hills, in Napa, CA. Workshops, dance, yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, journaling, games, a boutique, a book swap, a silent auction... Workshop presenters include the Reverend Shirley Ranck, on Visualizing a World Religion Meaningful to Women and Marilyn Nutter on The Divine Feminine. (as reported in the PCD Currents newsletter)

Southwest UU Women has refreshed their website. They've been the major womanpower behind the International Convocation of UU Women, and are still working on bringing resources from that event to the web. www.swuuw.org.

International Convocation of UU Women
is developing into an online community. You can sign up even if you did not attend, http://portal.icuuw.com. Online videos are available now, in particular a forum featuring the UUA Presidential candidates Rev. Peter Morales and Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman, along with UUA Moderator Gini Couter and interviewer NPR's Margot Adler.

International Association of Liberal Religious Women has launched a new website and newsletter featuring columns by their President Kathy Matsui of Tokyo, and Judy Highfill of St. Louis area. www.ialrw.org.

Margaret Fuller's Bicentennial
is May 23, 2010. Groups are organizing events on the East Coast (so far). www.margaretfuller.org.

More interesting things:

UU Women's Federation's website says: Meet the new UUWF Clara Barton Intern for Women's Issues, Orelia Busch. www.uuwf.org.

60th Anniversary of Human Rights was December 10, 2008. A new booklet is available, http://www.riseupandcallhername.com/humanrights.html, including "Women's Rights Are Human Rights."

I met Constance Tippett, artist-creator of The Goddess Timeline at the Convo. She's created a Goddess Cakes mold! www.goddesstimeline.com/index.php?option=com_expose&Itemid=38. Looks like it's not for sale on the website...yet.

On the way...a new curriculum, "Women of Wisdom: Entering Our Crone Years" by Rev. Dorothy Emerson & Melody Lee. Are you entering the Wise Woman or Crone years? Get prepared for this profound time of life.

Speaking of the UUWR CALENDAR, be sure to enter the women's events at your church or in your region!


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