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Social action can be easy to do.  I just did it by phone calls to my two Senators.  I got my name and comment on their pro-ratification lists.  Here's how:

Dial the U.S.Capitol, 202/224-3121, and ask for the office of one of your Senators.  When the phone is picked up, say "Hello.  My name is ...."  Then, give your address to show you are a constituent.  Continue with, "I need to voice my support for immediate ratification of CEDAW, the U.N. Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women."  Then give your comment.

My comment was, "I'm sure you've recorded the many reasons why this U.N. Convention needs to be in our law books.  In case you haven't heard my point, I need to remind the Senator that discrimination toward women is the first step for violence against women.  Please, add this with my name to your pro-ratification list."  When you hang up, simply repeat the same procedure for your second Senator.  It's soooo easy! 


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