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Change the RecipeI have sleep-disturbing nights like tonight when I feel we feminists could give up slogging through the patriarchal pie, up to our necks, impeded by disgusting goo everywhere.  So many incidents in the day before this sleepless night make me just want to give in, lie down and slurp up what tastes good to me at that moment, but...  To give up, to be swallowed up into my own little bite of sweet self-interest, grabbing what I can, would mean drowning.  I’d sink into too many over-cooked (but familiar), power-over ingredients.

Now, I awaken more fully.  I see stories of other feminist sloggers such as this WOMUUNWEB issue’s Rebecca Adamson (First Peoples Worldwide), Billie Heller (UN Convention for Elimination of Discrimination Against Women) and Carol Huston’s catalytic converting small group of women.  I am now groping back up to slog harder when sunrise breaks through the darkness.


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