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Sadly, the Florida chapter of UU Women and Religion is in the process of disbanding. Several women have been in touch with the Continental co-conveners, and it does look like some of their memorabilia will be maintained by the Continental group, against the day when Women and Religion again lights up the Sunshine State.

St. Lawrence District has formed a new W&R chapter. Their first event will be a retreat in the Fall of 2010. They've already lined up their keynote speakers and convention facility!

Northern New England Women and Religion announces the Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont UU Women’s Fall 2009 Retreat will take place the weekend of October 30th-November 1st, at Rockraft Retreat Center in beautiful Sebago Lake, Maine. We will be "Celebrating Samhain" during our last time at Rockcraft before the center closes at the end of the year. This is the time of year when the veil between the worlds are the thinnest. The perfect time to divine what the future has in store for us; and remember our loved ones who have passed. We will honor the sacredness of Samhain and rejoice in the playfulness of Halloween.

Michigan women are still talking about forming a W&R chapter. Dr. Misty Sheehan reports that she got re-acquainted with another one of the original Chapin-Crane W&R women (whom she hadn't seen in 30 years!) at a Carolyn McDade weekend in northern Michigan. They are talking with Rev. Shirley Ranck about a retreat soon in southern Michigan.

Joseph Priestley District is getting ready for their Fall retreat, Discover Your Voice!

October 16-18

LOCATION: Bishop Claggett Center, Buckeytown, MD
(You can view the beautiful retreat site at: www.bishopclaggett.org)
Anne Slater, registrar: 610-896-6468/ \n slater.anne@gmail.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
complete information at our website: www.jpdwr.org


Pacific SW District has a San Diego area retreat happening this month, "Women Together." More details are on their website.

Central Midwest District women are always busy. Current Chair Nancy Irons reports they're been working on strengthening their organizational structure and getting ready for their February 2010 retreat.

Winter WomanSpirit 2010StarhawkThe theme for Winter WomanSpirit 2010 is:
"Nurturing Ourselves -
Sustaining Our World."
February 26-28, 2010
First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Our Keynote Speaker will be STARHAWK!
Her Keynote address is titled
"Earth Spirit, Earth Justice"
Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more details!
Southwest UU Women report their annual retreat in February will be posted on their website soon - www.swuuw.org
Women all over the U.S. have been reporting the scheduling of Cakes for the Queen of Heaven classes. Check the calendar on the Cakes website!
Speaking of calendars, did you know you can post your women's retreat or event on the UUW&R calendar? Go to our CALENDAR page and click the big "plus" sign to Add an Event!
What's happening where YOU are? Let us know!



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