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As always, there's a lot going on all over the USA. Here are a few tidbits:

SWUUWCon2010-0001Southwest UU Women just wrapped up a very successful conference in Dallas, themed, "In the Name of Love," with keynote UUA Moderator Gini Courter and musician Amy Carol Webb. They used their new website, www.swuuw.org, for online registration. Photos will be up soon. And they are already planning for 2011!

Central Midwest women had their Winter WomanSpirit the same weekend, welcoming Starhawk as their keynote. A Margaret Fuller Tea was one of the weekend's highlights. Women from Canada even attended this one! Their photos are online at www.cmwdwr.shutterfly.com. CMwD W&R are planning for their Summer retreat in Watervliet, Michigan, called "Sowing the Seeds of Gratitude" and have just announced Margot Adler as their keynote for February 2011 in Elkhart, Indiana. This group's ongoing projects include working with their District to redefine and strengthen their relationship, partnering on projects with their sister organization in CMwD, the UU Women's Connection, and a comprehensive selection of retreat planning resources on their website, www.womenandreligion.org.

UU Women's Connection in CMwD hosts two annual retreats as well, with the Spring 2010 event being held at Pilgrim Park in Illinois. Their board of councillors has a wonderful practice of quarterly meetings where they travel to a host church for a meeting, a Margart Fuller Conversation in the evening, and a visit to the host church's Sunday service. www.uuwomensconnection.org.

UU WomenSpirit in Thomas Jefferson District have published details on their Spring event, held at The Mountain in North Carolina. "The Institute and Gathering are biannual events in the Spring and Fall that offer the experience of an all-woman retreat where women can strengthen their talents and renew their energy in a supportive and safe environment. All Institute and Gathering activities are optional; during these events we encourage you to make choices that best meet your needs. Unitarian Universalist Womenspirit expects and encourages all women to honor the safety, integrity, and confidentiality of those attending its sponsored events." www.uuwomenspirit.org.

Northern New England UU Women and Religion holds annual retreats as well. They are the W&R group for the consolidation of the Northeast District (Maine) and the New Hampshire Vermont District now being called Northern New England. Their website is new and still under construction. www.uuwomenandreligion.org.

General Assembly in Minneapolis, MN this June will feature some workshops of special interest:

UUWF - Funding for Women's Work, Men, Women, and Margaret Fuller, and No Silent Witness: A Web of Empowering Conversation

Iternational Convocation of UU Women - Organizing Women's Groups in Unitarian Universalism

Meadville Lombard Theological School - Reflecting on Stories of Black UU Women

UUSC - Women Organizing for Workers’ Rights

Beacon Press - She Looks Just Like You: Exploring GLBT Families

UU Holdeen India Program - Empowering Women using Microfinance and Organizing: SEWA's Strategy

UUA SMF Bicentennial Committee - Margaret Fuller: A Woman for the 21st Century

Association of Universalist Women - Drumming The Soul Awake

The 2010 Ware Lecture Delivered by Winona LaDuke

And of course the UUW&R Annual Gathering at GA, which will be a breakfast program and meeting on either Thursday or Friday. Watch your e-mail and snail mail for an announcement this month. UUW&R will be sharing an exhibit table in the international group with the ICUUW. We'll have curricula and books as always, and a brand-new jewelry line.

The complete GA schedule is here: http://www.uua.org/events/generalassembly/schedule/index.php

See you there!!!


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