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UU Women & Religion Breakfast - June 25, 2010

Millennium Hotel, Minneapolis, MN

Attendance: (See sign-in sheet for complete names) Gretchen, Nancy, Shirley, Dorothy, Roberta, Terri, Lynn, Laura, Caroline, Rosemary, Sue, Colleen, Linda, Susan, Martha, Laurie, Claudia(?), Geri, Misty

I.    Opening: Gretchen Ohmann led us in the chant, “I give thanks” with drumming.

II.   Introductions Around the Circle (sign-in sheet was also passed)

III.  What is Women & Religion all about?

Gretchen presented a brief recap of the UUWR annual report.  Projects included: the International Convocation of UU Women; a vendor / information booth at General Assembly selling curriculum, CDs, jewelry, etc.; participating in the Margaret Fuller celebrations; promotion of “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” curriculum.

Gretchen reported that two new women’s regional groups have been initiated this year, in Florida and St Lawrence District.  They join active women’s groups in the following districts: Central Midwest, Northern New England, Pacific Central, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Priestley, and South West.  She encouraged all groups represented to send notices of their events to UUWR so that they can be posted on the website and included in the newsletter.

At this time, UUWR is focused on facilitating communication and sharing of resources between the various UU women’s groups.


IV. Updates Around the Circle:

1)  Shirley Ranck gave a brief overview of the history of Women & Religion.  She raised the question, “Where do we go from here?” with the conclusion that we need to broaden our focus to global issues of women’s needs and social justice.

2)  Dorothy Emerson briefly described the Cakes for the Queen of Heaven curriculum, and her new Celebrating the Crone curriculum.

3)  Laura Nagel reported on the Convocation and the women’s groups that collaborated to make it all happen; ICUUW, South West Women, UU Women’s Federation, and UU Women & Religion.  Collaboration was wonderful, but there is a need to engage and involve women of the younger generation.  Laura invited everyone to the Convocation breakfast at the Hyatt on Saturday, 7:00 am.

4)  Laurie James described her efforts in New York to bring Margaret Fuller’s name and accomplishments more to the forefront with tours of Italy and other locales. Rev. Emerson summarized the Margaret Fuller Bicentennial project from Boston area. There is an online list of projects and presentations at www.margaretfuller.org.  The traveling exhibit has been to 30 locations so far.  A Margaret Fuller Sunday is being promoted nationally.  There are even international celebrations.  Grants have been awarded to document this year’s activities.

5)  Geri Kennedy from the Pacific Central District Women & Religion Committee reported that they hold an annual spring retreat and meet 3 times per year in different locations around the district.  They organized a remembrance for Lucile Schuck Longview, the initiator of the 1977 Women and Religion Resolution.  They donated $2,000 for a grant to benefit women of their district.

6)     Nancy Irons from the Central MidWest District reported that they present two women’s retreats annually, Summer and Winter. This past February the winter retreat was in Milwaukee with Starhawk as keynote speaker and 250 women in attendance.  This past year they collaborated with the UU Women’s Connection to honor unsung women leaders from around the district.

7)     Women from the Northeast Cluster of Florida District said they were attempting to re-start the Florida W&R. They wanted more information on what UUW&R really does.

V.  Retiring: Rev. Shirley Ranck has been a co-convener of UUW&R for the past three years. We thanked her for her service in this capacity and all she has done for the movement, and presented her with a Goddess/Tree of Life pendant.

VI. Closing: Time was running short and people were beginning to leave.  Gretchen thanked everyone who attended for their sharing and all the work they do on behalf of UU women.


Rev. Shirley Ranck speaking at the UUWF workshop


UUWR Exhibit Booth


Laura Nagel speaking at the ICUUW breakfast



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