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SWUUWCon2011-Linda-Carol-Kathy-Kathy-smSouthWest UU Women held their 25th annual Conference, "Generation NEXXT" in Dallas Texas on March 3-5. Despite their keynote speaker having to cancel at the last minute due to family illness, the SWUUW women were up to the challenge. Participants commented:

"Big Bad Gina ROCKED! It was so fun to dance to their music, and just be entertained by them!"

"I thought Intern Rev. Megan [Dalby-Jones] did a very good job of delivering the message that Rev. Tambra Lebak was to have given."

"The keynote really sparked conversation in the morning workshop. Although it was a bit tough being the sole representative of my generation."

"I like the [workshop] variety -- from Yoga or Zumba (movement) to more intellectual offerings and everything in between."

"Loved dancing with my sisters. Sisterhood is good and fun!"

Planning has begun for the 2012 event, to be held in Houston. www.swuuw.org.


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