Copies of the new "Cakes for the Queen of Heaven Part I: In Ancient Times" were on sale, as well as the rest of the items regularly sold in our online store (www.uuwr.org/store.htm). Cakes Part II "On the Threshold" was in its final proofreading stage, so we took orders at the booth. It seemed to me that GA attendance was sparse, and few folks traversed the corner where we were placed across from an empty booth and the UUs for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and between two theological schools. Shirley and I staffed the booth with help from core group members Helen Popenoe, Laurie James, Florida District past convener Susan Pendergraft, and past CMwD W&R member Janet Nortrom of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. With those people who did stop by the booth, we were able to take the time to talk in depth somewhat about what was on their minds. People didn't buy much but took lots of literature.
We also raffled off a set of "Cakes," a set of Laurie James books, and a set of "Rise Up" curriculum, all donated by their authors.