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Cakes for the Queen of Heaven

Leaders representing the CMwD Women & Religion Committee and the UU Women's Connection (CMwD UUWF successor) will jointly present a District Assembly workshop and five facilitator training events for the newly revised, ground-breaking curriculum, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven: In Ancient Times. These events will be held in Peoria and Milwaukee in November 2008.

What would it have been like to grow up in a world where the divine was imagined as female?” — Rev. Shirley Ranck, PhD

Rev Shirley Ranck at ICUUW Feb 2009

“Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” was credited on its introduction 21 years ago with providing women an opportunity of discovery and empowerment within the UUA goddess movement. Now, this revised, multi-session curriculum by Unitarian Universalist Minister Shirley Ranck will bring the break-out feminist theology curriculum in its updated version to those who wish to teach it in their local congregations to the many young and new UUs who have never experienced it. Or to others who want an injection of inspiration. “Cakes: In Ancient Times” is rising again in UU congregations all over the continent.

Would you like to present this curriculum in your congregation? This is an opportunity to receive facilitator training and purchase the curriculum.
CAKES Train-the-Trainer (T3) workshops include:

• Curriculum presentation by experienced district leaders.
• Experiential and interactive sessions.
• Herstory, music, poetry and thoughtful sharing in one day-long workshop.
• Continental breakfast, lunch and babysitting services.
• Curriculum resource materials and inspiration.
Curriculum can be purchased online at www.uuwr.org. Cakes Part II "On the Threshold" is now available as well.
Trainer workshops offered at a reasonable cost. $30 per person includes continental breakfast and lunch. Curriculum will be available for purchase at $40 each Volume.

November 15 • Peoria, Illinois: Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria
November 22 • Milwaukee, WI: The First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, A Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Online registration HERE !

For more information on these upcoming events, visit our website https://cakesforthequeenofheaven.org or email us at: CakesTraining@uuwr.org


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