What a great meeting of the minds it will be to have the following powerful UU women and other progressive women of faith at the Convocation! The ICUUW program will be organized around four themes: Faith, Education, Action, and Transformation.
Gather Together to Celebrate...
- Spirituality that Deepens Our Lives
- Relationships that Enrich Us
- Actions that Transform Our Great Potential into Reality
Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman, USA 
Rev. Dr. Laurel Hallman is Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas a congregation she has served for the past eighteen years. Before that she served as minister of the UU Church in Bloomington, Indiana (1981-87). Prior to that she was administrator and RE director for Unity-Unitarian in St. Paul, Minn. She is a graduate of the University of Chicago Divinity School and Meadville Lombard Theological School where she served on the Board of Trustees. Laurel has served on the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, the UUA President's Council, and was President of the SWUU Ministers Association. She has been trained in individual and group spiritual direction at Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, is the author of
Living by Heart: A Guide to Devotional Practice (workbook and video), spirituality retreats and has recently published
Reaching Deeper: Selected Sermons (Xlibris press. 2008.) She is currently a candidate for the President of UUA.
Carolyn McDade, USA 
Carolyn McDade is the composer of one of our most beloved UU hymns, "
Spirit of Life," as well as the creator of the Water Ceremony. She is a lover of language and sound. A writer of sound, she is committed to the power of the human voice singing and speaking truth to move society to just a liberating transformation. Through song and singing she helps us deepen human consciousness and understand ourselves as part of a living planet. A social activist, she weaves together the spiritual and the political - integrating personal, social, planetary, cosmic. She describes herself simply as a woman of faith seeking with others to touch what matters. Carolyn's recorded music dates back to the early 1970's. Over the years she has organized 13 recording projects that grew out of her singing circles. Each project involved activist women and a growing body of gifted and accomplished professional musicians.
Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt, USA 
The Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt is senior minister of The Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York. A graduate of Yale University and Drew Theological Seminary, and a former editor at the New York Times Book Review, she is author of three books, including her memoir, "Unafraid of the Dark;" a contributing editor of UU World, and a prolific blogger (http://revrose.com). Her years of service to the UUA have included work as a member of the Committee on Urban Concerns and Ministry; chair of the Board of Starr King School for the Ministry; and a member of the Panel on Theological Education. Rev. McNatt currently represents the Metropolitan New York District on the UUA Board of Trustees. She is also a founder and active member of the UU Trauma Response Ministry. She lives in New York City with her husband, Robert and their sons, Allen and Daniel.
Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker, USA 
Parker is an ordained United Methodist minister in dual fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association. Before assuming leadership of Starr King School for the MInistry in 1990, she spent 10 years as a parish minister in the Pacific Northwest and taught at the Northwest Theological Union in Seattle. As Starr King’s Professor of Theology, Parker lectures widely on behalf of Unitarian Universalists. At Starr King, she teaches the foundational course in thea/ology in culture and context, and convenes advanced seminars in topics such as violence and redemption, process theology, liberal theologies, and religion and education. Her doctoral studies focused on Alfred North Whitehead’s theory of consciousness as a basis for a spirituality that integrates aesthetics and social engagement. Her theological work, sermons and poetry have been published in academic journals, essay collections and anthologies, and frequently appear in the
UU World. In 2001, she and co-author Rita Nakashima Brock published “
Proverbs of Ashes: Violence, Redemptive Suffering, and the Search for What Saves Us,” (
Beacon Press), a feminist critique of the Christian doctrine of the atonement, using memoir as a mode of theological reflection. Her current research interests include the gospel of John, the interpretation of the death of Jesus in early Christian art and ritual, and theologies of non-violent resistance to oppression, injustice and war. Her book of collected essays, "
Blessing the World: What Can Save Us Now," edited by the Rev. Rob Hardies, SKSM grad and senior minister of All Souls Unitarian, Church in Washington, D.C., was released by
Skinner House Books in spring 2006. As a religious activist, Parker has engaged with Central American issues, women’s issues and lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender concerns. She serves on the board of an interfaith think tank focused on progressive religion and politics called "
Faith Voices for the Common Good." Parker is also an accomplished cellist.
Rev. Dr. Ann Peart, England 
Rev. Dr. Ann Peart is the Principal at the Unitarian College in Manchester, UK, where most British Unitarian ministers are trained. She is also Chair of the British General Assembly Ministry Commission, and a member of the GA Executive Committee (Board of Trustees). Her areas of interest for the last several years have been Feminist Theology and history of British Unitarian women, and lesbian and gay issues. She is a former president of the Unitarian Women's League (similar to UUWF) which is celebrating its centenary in 2008, the Unitarian Historical Society and the Ministerial Fellowship (the UK ministers' professional body). She is also a founding member of the Unitarian Women's Group, which has a specifically feminist ethos. Ann's first professional career was as a Geography teacher, having read Geography at Cambridge University in the 1960s, and she did her ministry training at Oxford in the 1980s.
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