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Rev Dorothy EmersonComing soon! A new, year-long, 13-session curriculum to prepare women to take on the important role of Crone / Wise Women in their communities.

This course is designed for women who are entering or have passed through menopause and would like to mark this passage. Other important life transitions such as births, coming of age, marriage and graduations are marked in cultures and are celebrated by the family and community. In European Pagan traditions the stages of a woman’s life are marked as maiden, mother and crone. These ritual celebrations occur in communities and honor both the individual and the group. This 13 session course helps prepare women to participate in a ritual celebrating becoming a woman of wisdom.


This curriculum is designed to open the participant to the power, wisdom, and insight of the mature self. Imagine entering the labyrinth of your psyche, slowly following its turns in and out as you weave yourself toward the deep center of your essential knowing. As you make your way forward, you will remember the past, integrate its lessons and shed its excess baggage, until you come to the present moment of possibility and transformation. There you will claim the beauty and truth that can be yours and begin your walk out of the labyrinth integrating your new found knowledge and the thirteen guiding principles of a crone as you retrace your steps. Before you reemerge into the world, you will celebrate your new state and assume the crown and mantle of the crone. As a mature woman of action and compassion, you will claim your power as a woman of wisdom.


The curriculum is being written by Melody Lee, in collaboration with co-creators Karen Edwards and Dorothy Emerson. They will be offering a workshop on the curriculum at the International Convocation of U*U Women. For more information, please contact Dorothy at Rainbow Solutions, 781-391-6455 or RevEmerson@aol.com.


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