In 1977 the UUA General Assembly unanimously passed the Women & Religion Resolution, calling all individual UUs and UU organizations to examine and put aside sexist assumptions, attitudes, and language and to explore and eliminate religious roots of sexism in myths, traditions and beliefs.
For two decades the UUA Women and Religion Committee led in transforming Unitarian Universalism toward greater inclusiveness and gender equality. At the same time Women & Religion groups formed, particularly at the district level, and began holding significant programs and retreats. These gatherings continue to nurture and support UU women today.
In 1996 the UUA Board declared the work of the resolution finished and thus "sunsetted" the Women and Religion Committee. District groups, however, continued to meet, and there was much conversation across the continent about what to do next. In 2002, in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Women and Religion Resolution, UU Women & Religion officially became an independent affiliate organization of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Several years later, the UUA disaffiliated almost all of the independent affiliate organizations. A description of the UUA's process in video form is no longer available. UUW&R continues the work of establishing gender equality in our religious movement and the world. The religious roots of sexism continue to pervade the secular world and reinforce sexism and patriarchy throughout the world today. Clearly, we still have work to do.
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