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We maintain an archive for the Florida UU Women and Religion chapter that dissolved in 2010. Continental UU Women and Religion is maintaining the site with any news of UU women in Florida that we can find. Fortunately the NE Florida Cluster women are continuing the retreat tradition with an event each Spring. Watch the UU Women's Events list at right for more information!

We've been given permission to unlock the Conference and Retreat Guides written by Rev. Barbara Child and updated by the FLUUWR group. We think the Guides can serve as a good solid basis for your group to modify for their own, and we invite you to do so! Continue to the FLUUWR pages and at the right is a list of the articles in the Guides. Please send any comments to info@uuwr.org.

Blessed Be!


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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