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Subject to Minor Change

Friday p.m., September 30

4:30 – 5:15           Arrival// Silent Auction Set Up (all)

6:15—7:00            Dinner (Up the hill in the Dining Hall)

7:00—7:15            Welcome and introduction by Laura of the JPD W&R circle and Retreat Center rep;

7:15—8:00            Opening Ritual by Heather  w/ altar contributions by participants

8:00—9:00            Workshop #1 by Heather   -  Why Women Need the Goddess

9:00 — 10:00        Social Time

Saturday, October 1

7:15—7:45            Silent Zen Walk with Alix; Gentle Yoga stretching exercises with Laura

7:45—8:30            Breakfast (Dining Hall)

9:00—9:15            Background of  Women & Religion by Anne

9:15—12:00          Workshop #2 by Anne and Sherri – Introduction to the World’s Goddesses;

Putting Your Goddess into Words w/ one break

12:00—1:00          Lunch (Dining Hall)

1:00 —3:00           Free Time

3:00—5:00            Workshop #3 by  Sherri: Meditation: Inner Guide/Wise Self/Spirit Guide Imagery; and

Alix – Making Your Goddess in Clay w/ one break

5:30—6:30           Dinner (Dining Hall)

6:30—8:00           Workshop #4 by Laura – Body Prayer and Introducing Your Goddess (participants)

8:00—10pm     Drumming Circle, Social time with Serpent Cake, Goddess songs led by Laura Paligo and others, perhaps by YOU!!!

9:30 pm               Silent Auction Closes

Sunday, October 2

7:15—7:45            Gentle Yoga stretching exercises with Laura

7:45—8:30            Breakfast  (Dining Hall) and paying for silent auction items in Dining Hall with Alix

8:30—9:15            Packing 

9:30—10:45          Closing Workshop by Heather Circle in a Circle and Blessing of the Goddesses

10:45—11            Break

11—12            Worship service by  TBA  In the Old Chapel (tba)

12:15               Lunch and farewell (Dining Hall and Meeting Rooms)


You may make a donation to UU Women and Religion here. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Please select the quantity of $10 increments you would like to donate.

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