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Seeking the Goddess in Nature… Finding the Divine Within

What do we mean when we say The Goddess? Who is She? How do we find Her?

“The Goddess is first of all earth, the dark, nurturing mother who brings forth all life. She is the power of fertility and generation; the womb, and also the receptive tomb, the power of death. All proceeds from Her, all returns to Her. As earth, She is also plant life, trees, the herbs and grains that sustain life. She is the body, and the body is sacred.”

-- Starhawk, the Spiral Dance


During this experiential weekend, we will seek to know Her, deep in our bodies, to understand our parts in the divine dance that is the creative universe.  Connecting through the elements of life (Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit) we will work, play, sing and dance in sacred space, opening ourselves to an awareness of the interconnectedness of the web of life.

Beginning with a Waters of the World ceremony on Friday night, and culminating with a ritual walking of the labyrinth on Sunday morning, we will come together as a community of women, sisters on a journey.


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