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Attention Women!  Especially those who may be interested in being croned this year.

We have two very special UU Women & Religion retreats planned in 2010 for the women of the Northern New England District.  The spring retreat will be June 11-13; during which we will explore the role of rituals in our lives.  Our daily rituals like morning coffee or meditation practice and the rituals that mark important transitions like entering the “wise woman” phase of our lives.  Some of the workshops will include Sacred Circle Dancing, Shamanic Journey to the Upper World, and discussions on bringing rituals into our families and daily lives.  Current Crones will meet with the women who intend on participating in the fall Croning ceremony to help them decide what elements they want in the ceremony and to assist in setting intentions.  It is not mandatory to attend the spring retreat if you are planning on being Croned in the fall but it is highly recommended.

You may wish to save the dates for the fall retreat as well—September 24-26, as it is the Croning retreat which is held only every 5 years.  This weekend is about preparing and celebrating the transition of women from the Mother aspect of the Goddess to the Crone aspect of the Goddess.  The Croning retreat offers a unique opportunity for all women to learn and grow by its focus on womanhood in its entirety and feel rejuvenated by immersing in the connection with the feminine divine.

To be eligible to be Croned you should be at least 56 years old and past menses.  There are many resources available on the web and we hope to have a resource section for that soon on this site.  In the meantime, a favorite book of many of our women is "Crones Don't Whine" by Jean Shinoda Bolen       .

Both retreats will take place at the Geneva Point Conference Center on Lake Winnipesaukee in central New Hampshire.

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